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“We’re going to look around, if you don’t mind.”

“Of course. I’ve called everyone I can think of, talked to some of the neighbors. I just don’t know why she’d leave, and I’m worried about my kids. I’ve been reading about postpartum depression. I’m terrified that she might hurt them. Hurt herself.”

“Let’s not make assumptions. We’ll take a look around, then go from there. Does she have family? Have you contacted them? Even if they’re in another state, maybe she went to visit.”

Peter shook his head. “She’s an only child. Her dad left when she was young, her mother died before we married. I don’t know anything about her dad’s family, she never talks about him. Her mom had a brother, but they weren’t close—he lives in Montana or Wyoming. I’ve never met him. He didn’t even come to our wedding.”

“Okay. Stay put, we’ll be right back.” Nunez motioned for Ritchie to follow.

Brian sat next to Peter. “She’ll be back.”

“I don’t know. What if—what if something happened?” His voice cracked, and he felt the heat of tears, squeezed his eyes shut.

“Don’t think that,” Brian said firmly. “Natalie is calling everyone we can think of. Annie will come home, I know it. Whatever she’s thinking, she’s going to come back and work things out.”

“I hope you’re right, Brian. I’m frantic. I don’t know what else to do.”

Several minutes later, the two officers returned to the kitchen. Nunez said, “We’re going to talk to your neighbors.”

“I already did,” Peter said.

“Maybe we can help refresh their memories. We’ll check security cameras in the area.”

“I asked, no one saw anything.”

“It doesn’t hurt for us to follow-up. Since she didn’t take her car, and didn’t take a taxi, maybe someone picked her up. You have a camera on your door—have you checked it?”

“Yes.” Of course, he checked it! It was the first thing he’d done. “You can look at the footage, there’s nothing from Sunday.”

“Okay. Save it, a detective may want to see it. We’ll put out a welfare check on the kids, but since your wife isn’t under a doctor’s care, and there’s no diagnosis for PPD, I don’t know that if we find her, we can compel her to return.”

Peter’s hands fisted. “My children!”

“You’re married, not legally separated, and unless the kids are in danger, she can go where she wants. There’s no parental kidnapping law in Arizona. You might want to talk to a lawyer. You can petition the court for—”

“Just find them. Please.” Peter knew the law. It was bullshit. In no just world could a wife just leave with his children without telling him, without letting him see his kids. Yes, he could petition the court for visitation and yes, he could fight for custody, but the woman had just walked away. He didn’t want a divorce. He wanted his family back.

And when he found her, she would return. She would have no choice but to come back to him.

Brian touched his arm and it was all Peter could do not to slap his hand away.

“We all understand that you’re worried,” Brian said, “but Arch is doing everything he can. Getting a lawyer would be good. You can document Annie’s emotional state, for one. You have a lot of options.”

“Nothing matters if we can’t find them,” Peter said. This wasn’t going the way he thought it would. His word—his statement that his wife was mentally unwell should hold weight. It should hold all the weight.

“I’m going to walk Arch out, okay? I’m coming right back. Have faith, Peter.”

Faith. What had that ever done for him?


Officer Archie Nunez

Brian Nichols came out of the house and motioned Nunez over as he was about to get in his patrol car. Nunez told Ritchie, his rookie who only had two more weeks of probation, to start typing up the report. Then he closed the door and turned to Brian.

“Have something to add?” Nunez said.

“I’m sick about this. I’ve known Annie since she and Peter got together, she’s terrific. They both are. I’m PJ’s godfather. My wife is calling around, and I’ll let you know if she hears anything. This has thrown Peter. Annie is a great wife and mother. She can be a little high-strung sometimes, but...” Nunez waited for Brian to continue. “I didn’t want to say this in front of him. Do you think there could be foul play?”

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