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Logan hesitated, then followed.

“He doesn’t look happy,” Jack said. “Like he got bad news?”

“Or the woman isn’t who he expected,” I offered.

The table they sat at was small with a curved leather seat that could comfortably sit four. Logan sat at the opposite end from her, and the redhead moved closer. There was nowhere for him to go without falling to the floor. They sat directly across from us now, but too far for me to hear the conversation.

“This is strange,” Jack muttered. “Monroe doesn’t look like he wants to be here, and I don’t think he knows the woman.”

The woman was definitely leaning in, flirting, while Logan was sitting rigid, as if he was looking for any reason to leave. But they were talking. The angle made it difficult for me to read them, but I made out a few words—none of which made sense without the context.

A man and woman approached the table and greeted Logan. He smiled, chatted a minute, introduced the woman. I strained to watch his lips. “This is Rachel. Friend.” Something like that. Rachel a friend? Rachel Friend?

Jack put his hand on my knee and squeezed. “She just drugged his drink. Something liquid, she palmed it. Shit, he just gulped the Coke.” The couple he spoke with walked away and exited the bar. “You distract the woman, I’m going to get Logan out of here.”

“She needs to be held accountable,” I said.

“First we intervene, then we’ll talk to the manager. Let them know what went on. Our goal is to protect Logan. Go first.”

I went over to Logan’s table. “Rachel, right?”

The woman looked at me with wide surprised eyes. “Do I know you?”

“What, you don’t remember? High school?”

“I’m on a date,” she said. “Call me later.”

“This isn’t a date,” Logan said. His voice sounded off, not quite slurred, but strange. “It’s hot in here, let’s go outside and talk.”

“Great idea. I’ll call an Uber,” Rachel said.

“I have my car.”

Rachel stared at me with an anger I didn’t expect. “Excuse me, honey, we’re leaving.”

Jack took Logan’s hand as he stood. “Logan, so good to see you again. Hey, I have a question about your new project.”

Logan looked doubly confused as Jack led him away.

I leaned over and said to the woman, “We saw what you did. There are security cameras all over this place. You’ll never be let back in, and if I have anything to say about it, you’ll be prosecuted for assault.”

“What the fuck?” The woman looked angry and panicked. She was loud enough that a few people glanced over, curious or concerned.

The bouncer—a discreet security guy who stood near the door and kept an eye on the room—took notice. Then Jack was talking to him, and the guy frowned, looked over at Rachel and me, said something to Jack, but I couldn’t hear or see his lips.

“Stay,” I said, then followed Jack out. I didn’t expect Rachel to obey me, but she didn’t follow.

I saw Jack sitting with Logan on a bench near the entrance. Logan had his head in his hands.

There was only one couple in the patio area because it was still too hot, even with the misters going. They sat under a vine-covered trellis in the far corner.

“Whatever she gave him must have been potent,” I said. “He drank less than ten minutes ago.

“Security will talk to her, but I don’t know what they can do other than ban her. I gave the guy my card.”

“Do we need to take him to a hospital?” I asked.

“The best thing is to get him to puke. That’s all they’d do there, unless he has an adverse reaction.”

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