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“I’ve been tailing him for ten days. When he’s not at home, I know where he is, who he’s with, what he’s doing. I’ve caught dozens of cheating spouses, and it’s never taken me longer than a couple days to prove it. If he is having an affair, he hasn’t been physically involved with her since you hired me.”

“You can’t quit.”

I can do whatever the fuck I please.

But I didn’t say it.

Brittney read the report again, this time in greater detail.

“This doesn’t make any sense,” Brittney said after a few minutes. She slid the report back toward me.

“What specifically?”

“Logan has changed. Longer hours, not at his office when he says, being aloof. I hired you because the only reason I could come up with is that he’s having an affair. Period.”

“When was the first time you had the thought that your husband had changed.”

I knew about the not-where-he-says-he-is part, but maybe I needed to go back further.

She shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Think. There must be a specific moment, something he said or did that had you suspicious.”

Because it’s neither normal nor healthy for people in a serious relationship to track each other.

I thought of Annie Carillo. The obsessive need of her husband to know where she was every minute of the day.

“Well,” Brittney said after sipping her mojito, “I think it would have to be in February. We were out with friends, and they asked what our summer plans were. I mean, who stays here when it’s a thousand degrees?”

Only millions of people...

“And Logan said we don’t have plans. Not we’re thinking about it, not we haven’t decided, but he actually said we’re staying in Scottsdale all summer.”

“Did you ask him about it?”

“Of course! He was vague. Said he didn’t want to leave, he had a new business venture, and he wanted to be on-site during the renovations for the resort. That’s why you hire a general manager, so you don’t have to do the day-to-day nonsense.”

Or maybe he wanted to be on-site because he took pride in a multimillion-dollar renovation project.

“Maybe it was the truth,” I suggested.

“He can do business anywhere. I told him I didn’t want to stay, and he said I could do something if I wanted—alone! That’s when I started thinking he was having an affair. Getting me out of town would be a big plus. So I watched him closely. Found out he wasn’t in his office when that’s where he was supposed to be. I tried to spice up our sex life, and I thought he liked it, but then he said I wore him out. I’m sure he has a slut on the side. I need to know who, and I want to put an end to it.”

I didn’t believe her. Yes, she wanted to know who, but I was 99 percent positive that Brittney wanted proof to get out of the prenup. She didn’t want to be married to Logan Monroe. It seemed so clear to me now. Infidelity would give her a reason to walk with five million for every year they were married. They had just had their third anniversary, so she’d get fifteen million if Monroe cheated on her.

Finally, I said, “I don’t think your husband is having an affair. Maybe your instincts are right and he’s up to something—I don’t know what.” Though she wondered if it had to do with Jennifer White and Desert West Financial. “But if you want to keep me on, I’ll give it another couple days.”

“Thank you,” she said, sounding relieved. “Tomorrow, Logan is supposed to be at his office meeting with investors on some golf thing he’s working on. Ten a.m., then they’re going to lunch—I’ll find out where and text you. Then he said he had a cocktail meeting here at six thirty, which is why I wanted to come here, check out the place. He told me he was meeting someone. That’s suspicious.”

“Maybe if you just ask your husband specific questions, he’ll tell you.”

“You’re clearly not married,” Brittney said. “I don’t want him to know that I’m suspicious, and if I start asking questions, he’ll think I am, and then he’ll be sneakier.”

My parents talked about everything. If Mom wanted to know who Dad was meeting without her, he’d tell her. They had busy careers separate from each other, but when they weren’t working, they were together. They socialized together, they went to family events together, they talked. I had never once doubted that my parents loved each other.

Had Brittney ever loved Logan Monroe?

Reluctantly I said, “I’ll see what I can learn tomorrow.”

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