Page 115 of You'll Never Find Me

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“You told him about Jennifer’s family?”

“No details, just that she had a major family upheaval and she’d tell him when she could.” Logan paused, looked at the wall, not at me. “Gavin said he suspected that Brittney and Brad were still involved, but he didn’t want to say something in case he was wrong. I don’t understand why he wouldn’t tell me—did he think I was so weak and thin-skinned that I couldn’t handle it? Did everyone know except me?”

“We trust the people we love,” I said. “It’s as simple as that. That’s not on you.”

“My parents were married for forty-five years before my dad died. That’s what I wanted.”

It’s what I wanted, too. I had my parents as an example, and I would rather be single than settle for someone I didn’t think would stick.

“I think I’m supposed to say maybe you should go to counseling, or give her a second chance.”

He tilted his head and looked as if he were confused. “Supposed to say?”

“Jack thinks I have no tact. And if you want to give her a second chance, go for it. But the woman tried to set you up—she hired someone to put you in a compromising position because, I believe, she wanted to use the photos in a divorce. She gave me a copy of your prenup. She gets more money if you cheat.”

Even though I was in the clear to share with Logan because Brittney had lied to me, I was still uncomfortable. “I guess I should go,” I said, feeling awkward. “If you need me for anything, you have my number. Remember—be careful. We don’t know what’s going on with Parsons right now, and last I heard, the police haven’t talked to him yet.”

Logan’s phone vibrated on the table. He sighed as he reached for it. “I’m going to have to talk to her sometime. And I need to get some things from the house—I’d rather do it when she’s not there, but I might not have a choice.”

I wasn’t going to let him go alone. There was too much we didn’t know about Brittney and Brad Parsons. Parsons set a fire and risked lives to conceal his involvement in embezzlement. Would he be willing to go even further?

But I didn’t say that to Logan. He picked up his phone, answered. “Yes.”

He sounded weary and irritated at the same time.

Brittney spoke so loud that I could hear most of what she said.

“Logan! Finally! I need to see you... Please?” Some of her words were too soft for me to hear, but I understood the tone.

“I’ll be home in an hour,” he said. “I’m packing for a business trip.”

I didn’t know if he was lying or not.



“Baby, we have the dinner with the McCarthys tonight.”

“You’ll have to go without me.” He rubbed his eyes. I gathered he hadn’t told her he’d asked his attorney to file divorce papers.

“I’ll join you.”

“No,” he said without explanation. “I need to go.” He ended the call. “I can’t do this.”

“Can’t do what?”

He tossed his hands in the air. “Everything.”

“Of course you can,” I said firmly. “You’re a self-made multimillionaire, and you can’t tell your wife that you’re leaving her because she cheated on you?”

“I’ve never done emotional confrontation well. She’ll be served with the papers this afternoon.”

“Maybe,” I said, “you should stay here until after?”

“I’m giving her the house. I don’t want to go back after she knows. There’s a few things that are important to me that I need to get in case—well, in case she gets emotional.”

I raised an eyebrow. Emotional or violent, I wanted to ask, but didn’t.

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