Page 76 of Lilith

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“Those papers on the desk right there? They came from Felice. Marlon found them and gave them to me.”

“Marlon! You been talking to him?!”

“Ray, baby…focus. Look at the papers.”

He did, his head snapping up as he said, “This is all the info I was given about you.”

“I figured. Did you see the greeting card?”

He shook his head, digging through the papers until he found it and mumbled, “Shit.”

“Yeah, I put that in there. It’s the card Pauline sent us last Christmas. The handwriting on it matches the handwriting on the papers with all my information on them.”

Ray yanked the towel out of her mouth and barked, “You better explain this shit right now! Why you write this and give it to Felice?”

Pauline smiled, and then she laughed.

Lilith frowned at Pauline, her hand and the gun trembling as she shouted, “Why the hell are you laughing?!”


Lilith was going to fuck around and shoot this old lady. She’d never get over that shit.

“Aye! You can sit there and laugh if you want to, but if I were you, I’d start talking. If Lilith don’t shoot you, I will, and I promise I won’t fucking miss.”

She stopped laughing, her eyes sober as she stared at me and said, “I told Frankie you were evil. I could see it the first time I met you.”

“Speaking of evil, why did you write all that shit and give it to Felice Archer? You had something to do with the hit on Lilith?”

Her eyes widened.

I smiled. “Oh, you did, huh? Look, I don’t give a shit why. In a case like this, I like to kill first and ask questions later, but my wife wants answers.”

She frowned, confusion covering her face. Did what I said make sense? No, but fuck it.

Since she still didn’t say anything, I nodded, said, “Okay,” and reached under the desk beside me in the panic room entryway, pulling out the Glock I kept strapped there. Moving forward, I pressed the gun against Pauline’s forehead and told her, “You got one second to start explaining this shit before I pull this fucking trigger. Since you know I’m evil, you know I’m not bullshitting.”

She whimpered before confessing, “I just wanted her gone. I was tired of being second to her. I’m still tired of it. She’s all Frankie talks about because she’s so much like Kola. He even gave her my Camaro! I sacrificed so much for him. After I started dancing for him, I didn’t touch another man. I stood by waiting for him to notice me while he was married to Kola. When that bitch finally got sick and died, I did everything I could to show him I loved him. I took care of him—cooked, cleaned, wiped his tears, and I did get his attention, I got him, only for him to decide I wasn’t enough. He needed more than one woman to replace Kola. That hurt, but at least I was the first wife?—”

“No, you weren’t! My mother was his first wife, his first love!” Lilith shrieked. “And you’re not even legally married to him, bitch!”

Awwww, shit.

“So,” I broke in, “you tried to have my wife and unborn child killed because you hated her mother? Well, that’s stupid as fuck.”

“No, I wanted Lilith dead because I hate Lilith. I hate her because she’s the reason he won’t marry me.”

“What?!” I squawked, involuntarily lowering the gun. “You’re not making sense, old lady!”

“He told me that! He told me he’d never marry again. He said if he did, he’d look at you and instantly feel guilty because you look so much like her. I couldn’t take it anymore! All these years, decades of devotion to that man, and I couldn’t even get a damn marriage license! I was tired, so tired of it! So, I contacted that Felice girl. I thought she had cancer or lupus or something. When I found out she was crazy, I realized it was going to be much easier to convince her to kill you. She couldn’t do it, though, so I found this company that kills people, gave her all the information she’d need to get it done, and her stupid ass did it since she really wanted that Marlon back after he cheated on her all those years with you.”

“Why’d you cancel the order?” Ray asked, before I could get the words, “fuck you,” out.

“I didn’t cancel it. Felice did because she managed to get that adulterer back, as if he was some kind of prize. That’s what I love so much about Frankie; he doesn’t cheat, even if his daughter is an adulterous whore! That’s why I didn’t send you any Christmas cards until you got married! I cook for you more often now because you turned your life around.”

“Are you insane? I mean, are you really this sick? You tried to have me killed and you have an issue with adultery? Did your father cheat on your mother or something?” I probed shrilly.

She shot me a wild look.

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