Page 64 of Lilith

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“Blaze Magenta King Nation,” I proudly shared. It had taken a lot of compromising for Ray and me to decide on that name.

“Lord, you young people and these strange names. Blaze fits her, though. She’s a fiery little thing. Look at how she’s frowning at you, Frankie,” Pauline said.

Blaze was in my father’s arms, and I didn’t have to see her face to know she was really frowning. Her little mean behind was always frowning.

“Like father, like daughter,” I sang.

Ray chuckled and kissed my forehead. “I bet won’t nobody mess with her, though.”

“You are something else, little lady. My first grandbaby. I see your Grandma Kola in you. I sure do,” Daddy softly cooed. “You are perfect. A perfect little princess,” Daddy sniffled.

“A King,” I corrected.

“A King Nation,” Ray amended.

Blaze let out one little cry and Daddy laughed. “That’s right. You tell ‘em, little miss.”

“Candy! I’m so glad to see you!” I said, and I really was. “What a pleasant surprise!”

“Denita told me about the little one. I had to come see her,” Candy replied, smiling brightly. She was such a beautiful woman, a beautiful young woman. I never understood why she’d been attracted to my father or willing to share him with two other women. Hell, I didn’t understand why Pauline and Denita were doing it, either.

“I’m glad you did!”

“Where’s your hubby?”

“In the bathroom. The baby’s asleep,” I said, pointing to the bassinet next to my bed.

“Oh!” Candy moved from the door to the baby, gazing down at her in awe. “Oh, she’s gorgeous! Congratulations, Lilith!”

“Thank you. Wanna have a seat?”

“No, I’ve got to run. I was just dropping by on my way to work.”

As she said that, I noticed her uniform. “You’re a security guard?”

She shook her head. “No, an exotic dancer. This is my costume for the night. Tryna save up to start traveling. I miss your daddy, though,” she replied wistfully.

“Girl, I know he misses you, too. You can go back anytime.”

“I would if I could. Denita can deal with Pauline. I can’t. She can be a bitch sometimes. She takes her position as first wife seriously.”

Pauline being a bitch? I guess I could see it. She did have a smart mouth sometimes.

“Oh, I see. Well, I’ve been missing you,” I told her.

“Same! I’ll keep in touch.”

“Please do.”

“I figured you’d be back. What did you find out?” I whispered to Memphis as we sat at the table in Lilith’s postpartum suite. She was asleep, the baby napping in the bassinet beside her. The suite was huge, so we’d huddled far enough away as not to awaken them.

“So, judging from Felice’s social media, they got back together after you guys dumped him at his house. Check this post out,” Memphis said, handing me her phone. On it, was a screenshot of a Facebook post that read:

I wanted to share how beautiful life can become when you least expect it. I’m a private person and aside from my battle with illness, I haven’t shared much about my personal life. I married the love of my life when I was twenty-two. We separated seven years later and divorced five years ago. I was devastated, have been since the day we separated, but I knew it was too much to ask a young man to give up his life and freedom for a wife who might’ve never been well again. So, I let him go, turning a blind eye to his years of infidelity. But fate stepped in a few months ago. I got a call from my ex-husband. He was confused and scared. He’d lost his immediate memory. I rushed to him even though I wasn’t feeling well. I took him to the hospital. It turned out my sweet man was drugged but he doesn’t know how or when. I stayed by his side, nursing him back to health, and at the same time, healing myself. During my most recent doctor’s appointment, I received some wonderful news! I’m truly on the mend! Now, my love has proposed a reconciliation, and I couldn’t be happier! This is what I’ve prayed for all these years. Love wins!


“You never got the feeling that she wanted to reconcile with him?” Ray asked. “I hate to bother you with this shit, but we gotta get to the bottom of it.”

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