Page 42 of Lilith

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It began as a little giggle before blossoming into a full-blown cackle. My eyes were clamped shut as I doubled over, holding my stomach. Tears began to flow. I laughed so long and hard that my head started aching.

“Shit, she’s lost it,” I heard Memphis mumble, which only made my laughter ramp up.

“I have lost it! I’ve lost all faith in humanity be-be-because my big sister is fucking my crazy-ass man! This nigga has bullied me at every turn, and he has the nerve to make up an elaborate lie to try and convince me y’all are not fucking? Like he actually cares about me?” I laughed.

“Lilith…Lilith!” Memphis bellowed, quickly sobering me up. “Calm down before that baby shoots up out of you or something. I am not fucking this fool!”

“Oh, but I’m supposed to believe he chose you to help him find out who paid to have me killed? What are you going to do, exfoliate the truth out of someone?” I countered. “You gonna chemical peel them into submission or something?”

“No, heffa, and I ain’t forgetting you called me a bitch over the phone.”

“Uh, you’re fucking my man. Or maybe I’m fucking yours. How long y’all been at it?”

Ray literally exploded. “Mannnnn! Fuck this! Memphis is the motherfucker who recruited me. She’s B329. That’s why I hate her! If she hadn’t pulled me into this shit, I wouldn’t be all messed up in the head about being assigned to kill you!”

“You’re telling me that my big sister recruited you to become an assassin? So…what? Is she supposed to be an assassin, too?” I probed, holding back more laughter.

Memphis sighed, leaning over to lift the bottom of her pants to reveal a gun strapped to her leg. Then she reached behind her back and pulled a gun from the waist of said pants. “I am,” she confirmed. “You remember when I took those self-defense classes back when I was in college?”

I nodded, my brain growing numb.

“Someone who became known to me as 11C22 approached me when I was on my way to my car after class. At first, I thought he was trying to attack me, so I fucked him up. Turns out, he’d been watching me in class,” Memphis continued.

“The Agency has cameras in the craziest places,” Ray cut in.

“They really do,” Memphis confirmed. “He said he’d never seen someone so focused when it came to hurting others. I was intrigued. The problem is, once you get in bed with them, it’s hard to get out.”

“And it ain’t necessarily that they’ll try to stop you. It’s the rush, the thrill, the money. Good money,” Ray added.

“I…I still don’t believe it. I don’t know how to believe it,” I admitted.

“Fine, you ain’t gotta believe it. Just believe I ain’t fucking nobody but you. I’ll only call her in front of you from now on.”

I didn’t agree or disagree, I just said, “I need to go to bed.” I was worn out at that point.

“Okay, baby. Whatever you want.”

“I haven’t been sleeping,” I said once we’d gone back to bed. Although he lay beside me, he wasn’t touching me and that made him feel a million miles away.

“You haven’t?” he asked.

“No, not much.”

“Why? You been sick? Hurting?”

“No. You keep leaving the bed. I can’t sleep without you.”

“My bad, baby. Won’t happen again.”

“You’ve made me weak. I’m…I’m dependent on you. I was never like this before. I loved Marlon but I never felt like I would die without him.”

“If it helps, I feel the same way about you.”

“It doesn’t.”

“Well, damn. What would help?”

“When you leave the bed, you take your body and hands with you,” I said, sounding pitiful to my own self.

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