Page 36 of Lilith

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“No, you actually don’t. What was I supposed to do, Horacio? Delete the message without reading it?”

“Oh, so you do know the proper procedure?”

She rolled her eyes.

Big head ass…

“You can’t wear my ring and entertain other niggas, Lilith,” I explained.

“I didn’t even ask for this ring!”

“Yeah, you did.”


“When you put your mouth on me. Shit was a rap after that. You ain’t sucking no subsequent dicks; I know that much.”

This woman started laughing in my face. I didn’t see a damn thing funny about this situation.

“I don’t know why you laughing. You gon’ get that nigga decommissioned,” I said.

She wiped her eyes and placed her hands on my arms. “Okay, okay! Don’t kill the man. I will delete on sight from now on.”

“Good girl. What was funny, though?”

“Subsequent dicks? That was comedy gold.”

She smiled at me, which made my dick hard, so I kissed her, pulled her across that desk, and fucked the shit out of her in that office.

Afterwards, she said, “You can’t keep knocking my stuff to the floor. I’ma have to get yet another computer!”

I shrugged as I pulled my pants up. “I can afford it.”

Her family was cool, but this shit was stressful. Between Papa King, his wives, the two sisters, and everyone else in this damn restaurant, this was a logistical nightmare. The Gutierrez twins—Bruno and Cato—were running point, handling all things surveillance, but was that enough?

Was anything enough?

I was stressed the fuck out.

“Now that Lilly has found her a good, normal-looking man, when are you other two gon’ settle down? Shit, y’all all owe me grandchildren!” Papa King bellowed as he used a chopstick to stab a piece of meat on the little Korean barbecue grill embedded in our table.

“Daddy, really?” Memphis said.

“Shit, I forgot. I’m old. What’s your excuse, Umber?” the patriarch probed.

“I don’t have time,” Umber replied.

“Girl, you can take a break from all that walking through the woods and shit to settle down! You forty years old!” her father countered.

“Daddy, I hike, not walk through the woods. I have goals. You know that. I want to forage in every state. I want to climb Everest or K2. There’s no room for a husband and kids in all that.”

“You need to make room. Hey, Ray! Whenever y’all are ready to have a baby, me and my ladies gon’ spoil the shit outta it!” he declared.

I smiled. “Looking forward to it.”

“Well, I may as well get to it. I asked you all here to make a little announcement,” Mr. King pivoted. All eyes were on him as he continued, “Candy has decided to leave the family.”

The sisters piped up immediately, expressing their sadness at her departure. The whole dynamic was weird to me. I couldn’t imagine loving anyone other than Lilith, but to each his own. Their family seemed cool with it. I guess they were used to it.

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