Page 33 of Lilith

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“But you’re drunk, baby.”

“I know,” she giggled, “and I can’t wait to give you some of this drunk pussy.”

“Wow. I’ll help you get her out to the car,” Memphis offered.

I nodded.

Memphis didn’t start her shit until I’d put Lilith in the back of the Rover we’d arrived in. When I turned to get Lilith’s purse from her, she lit into me.

“You fucking her is clouding your judgement,” she hissed.

“Look, I know she’s your sister, but you ain’t got shit to do with our relationship. I can multitask,” I countered. “And you might be older, but I got way more work under my belt than you do. I got this.”

“You better have it.”

I ignored her last statement, climbed in the vehicle, and said, “Let’s go,” to our driver for the night—Cato, Bruno’s twin brother. Then I looked over at Lilith, fast asleep with her head against the window. I guessed I wouldn’t be getting any pussy after all.

The new store space was coming along nicely. I was hoping we wouldn’t have to be shut down for more than a week as we got everything organized and in place, but with a crew of only me, Justice, and my three other employees, we’d definitely be cutting it close.

I was in the supply room, a veritable warehouse, seated on the floor attempting to organize inventory when Justice appeared in the doorway. I smiled up at her.

“Y’all good out there?” I asked.

“Yes! This place is beautiful! The white and gold settees are a great touch! Where’d you find them?” Justice questioned.

“I didn’t. Ray had them delivered yesterday after you all left.”

“Ohhh,” she said, stepping deeper into the room. “I meant to talk to you about him!”

“Okay, what’s up?”

“Girl, that man is in love with you! The way he stays glued to your side; I’m surprised he’s not in here helping you.”

“He’s in my office handling some business.”

“See, never far away.”

“Yeah, he’s very…attentive.”

“Well, I’m happy for you. You deserve someone who adores you like he does.”

As I watched her and her big ass leave, I softly said, “Thanks.”


“Justice thinks you adore me,” Lilith said, her warm breath brushing my bare back as she spoke. Her arm was around me as she pressed her body against mine.

“Does she?” I asked, my eyes open in the darkness of her bedroom.




“Well, what?”

“Well, do you adore me?”

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