Page 13 of Lilith

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He stood to his socked feet before leaning in so close to my face that I was forced to lie back on the bed to make some space between us. His proximity was making it hard for me to breathe.

He joined me on the bed, his body hovering over mine, his hands on either side of my head. I held my breath when he dipped his head, burying his face between my neck and shoulder. He took an audible sniff and hummed before lifting his head to meet my eyes.

“You smell like you want me to fuck you, Lilith. So, I’d say, you’re a liar,” he advised.

I raised my hands, tried and failed to push him off me. “You’re a fucking terrorist!” I hissed.

Leaving the bed with a chuckle, he replied, “I’ve been called worse shit than that.”

“Am I allowed to leave?” she asked.

I reluctantly looked up from my plate, took in her face, her eyes, her mouth. “No.”

“No?” she squeaked. “Never?”

“Not alone.”

“But…my business. My store…”

“Seems to be running fine without your presence,” I replied before taking another bite of my home fries. That was when I noticed she hadn’t touched her food, not the waffle or the omelet.

“Yes, but there are times when I’ll need to go down to my office and do some work,” she countered.

Placing my fork on my plate, I rested against the back of the chair. “You’re not eating.”

“I know. I…”

“I’ma need you to eat. Don’t be trying to starve yourself to death.”

She stared at me, thick eyelashes fanning up and down. “I’m not trying to do that. I just don’t have an appetite.”

“Make one, then.”

She sat there and gawked at me. Her pretty ass was really fucking with my patience.

I reached across the tiny dining table and snatched her plate up, digging my fork into the omelet and presenting a portion to her. “You gon’ fucking eat even if I have to fucking feed you. Now, open your got damn mouth, Lilith.”

“Are you into feederism or something?”

“I don’t even know what the hell that is. I do know I take care of what’s mine. I protect what’s mine. Right now, I’m tryna protect you from yourself.”

She didn’t open her mouth, and a thought occurred to me. So, I ate the piece of omelet and took a bite of her waffle. When I set the plate before her again, she began to eat, and all I could do was shake my head. This damn woman thought I was trying to poison her. She really didn’t get it.


“After you,” he said.

Rolling my eyes, I pushed past him, quickly descending the stairs outside my apartment and rushing to open and close my office door. He was hot on my heels, though, and managed to grab the door before I could shut it.

“You keep doing shit like that and you gon’ fuck around and hurt yourself. That’s gon’ really piss me off. I don’t want you hurt,” he basically growled.

“Fuck you,” I hissed, making him smile.

Dropping into my chair, I logged onto my computer and glanced up at him standing with his back against the door we’d just entered through. “You just gonna stand there like a security guard?”

He shrugged.

“There’s a chair right here in front of my desk. You standing there is making me nervous.”

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