Page 11 of Lilith

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“No. I have a key.”

The first tear fell, rolling down to my right ear. “H-how?”

“Had one made when you passed out the other night, decided I’d use it instead of trying to show you some respect by knocking since you acted like you didn’t want to answer the door yesterday.”

I swallowed hard, turning my head toward his voice. Of course, I couldn’t make him out in the darkness. “Um, why are you here?”

I heard movement before the bedside lamp popped on, giving me a view of him seated on the floor in a white wife beater and black slacks, his back against the wall, his left leg bent with his left arm resting on it, his eyes trained on me. I could smell him, too, and I had to wonder how someone so damn evil could smell so damn good.

He tilted his head to the side, his brow furrowing as he stared at me, but he said nothing.

“You’re here to kill me?” I inquired, my voice weak and unsteady.

Licking his thick lips, he asked a question of his own. “Do you want me to kill you?”

I turned my attention to the ceiling. “I want whatever will make you stop torturing me.”

“How am I torturing you, Lilith? By bringing you food? Buying you dinner?”

“Y-you’re playing with my head, trying to make me lose my mind. Why not just kill me?”

“Why haven’t you called the police?”

My head snapped around to face him. “Because I’m not dumb. You know my name, where I live. I’m sure you know who my family members are. Calling the police won’t keep me or them safe. If you get locked up, you’ll probably just get someone else to kill me. Happens all the time.”

He nodded as he slid his thumb across his bottom lip. “So…you think I’ll kill you or have you killed if you tell.”


“But you also think I’m going to kill you and you haven’t told.”


“I see.”

“You see what? That I’m fucked?”

“I see that you don’t really understand what’s going on.”

“What?” I squeaked. “What’s going on other than I saw you kill a man and now you’re fucking with me!?”

He hopped to his feet, hovering over me and making me want to disappear. The look in his eyes…intense and probing, his stature…threatening.

I watched him lean so close to my face that I could feel his warm breath on my lips, his hand on the mattress beside my head. “What I’m doing is trying not to fucking kill you.”


Her pretty mouth dropped open, tears spilling from her wide-set eyes. I hated to have to take it there with her but got damn! She just would not get with the motherfucking program! A nigga was trying to be nice.

“I’m not a killer,” I informed her, “not in the way that you believe. I kill when it’s necessary. I didn’t think killing you was necessary.”

With trembling lips, she said, “Didn’t think?”

“Yeah, and you’re being mad unappreciative right now. You didn’t even touch the fucking barbecue.”

Her eyes quickly moved from right to left. “I…I don’t have an appetite.”

I lifted from the bed, crossing my arms over my chest as I peered down at her. “I can see that. You’ve been scared and shit. Look, you coulda woke up dead tonight, but you didn’t. You gotta stop worrying and let me do what needs to be done to keep you alive.”

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