Page 8 of Sanctuary

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And then, everything went black.



I paced the room, my eyes darting over to her sleeping form with every step. I’d moved too fast. I’d—shit, I didn’t know what I’d done. All I knew was that the love of my life fainted after I revealed my true self to her. That’d been hours ago, and I was no closer to knowing what to do than I was when I laid her on the bed.

I was sure I needed to wake her up, but I wasn’t ready for her to run away from me. Yet, if she did, I’d understand and definitely wouldn’t hold it against her. Hell, when I fully realized what and who I was, I wanted to run away from it, all of it. I even tried to formulate a way out of my reality for a while, but I eventually realized there was no use.

I grew up like any other boy. I got knee scrapes and stuff, and I healed fast, but not instantly as I did now. The benefits of my bloodline increased slowly, and as it was properly explained to me, reached full strength when I reached manhood. That point varied for us. For me, it was prom night, after I made love to Temple. Lying in bed in that hotel room holding her, the culmination of everything I’d been told and taught by my parents came to fruition. I could hear and feel everything. I could see all the yesterdays and sense the tomorrows. I was…different, sensitive to everything, including my love for her, but I knew I didn’t understand what I was enough to be able to share a life with her, even though I was willing to try. I would’ve never severed ties with her had I not believed it to be the best decision at the time. But now I was my tribe’s Baba. Now, I was mature, brimming with understanding and knowledge of self. Now, I was more than ready to claim what was mine.


From the corner of my eye, I saw her stir and halted my footsteps. I watched her reach up and rub her forehead, heard her soft moan that made me ache inside to touch her, really touch her.

“What the fuck did I eat before I went to bed? That dream was insane,” she murmured.

“Temple,” I softly said.

She shot up in bed, eyes wild as she took in her surroundings—my bedroom. “Oh my god,” she groaned. “I’m still dreaming?” She slapped herself. “Wake up, Temple. Shit! Wake up, bitch!” she shrieked, slapping herself again.

Rushing over to her, I grabbed her hands to stop her self-assault. “Temple! Stop, love!”

Her eyes locked with mine for a moment, and I watched as they filled with tears. “Sam, I’m scared.”

My heart fell. “Of me?”

Squeezing her eyes shut, she shrugged. “I don’t know. Where are we?”

“Still in Bolowga…in my chambers.”

Her eyes slowly perused the room, and as grand as it was, draped in gold, I just wanted her to want to be with me. I was willing to do absolutely anything to accommodate her.

“It’s beautiful,” she whispered.

“Thank you. Uh, Temple…do you…we can leave if that would make you feel better.” I had to offer, although it pained me to. It would be easier for me to say what I needed to say in the comfort of my own personal space.

She stared at me for a moment before saying, “I probably should want to leave, but I don’t. I’m confused, frightened, but I’d like to stay for some reason.”

I closed my eyes and sighed with relief. “Temple, are you hungry? Want something to eat?”

“Yes, and where’s your bathroom, Sam?”


Sitting across from her at the table in my chambers, I watched her eat. Smiling, I took a sip of wine and thought about how surreal it felt to be with her again after what seemed like eons.Surreal and damn good.

Looking up from her plate at me, she stopped chewing, and said, “What?”

“You’re enjoying it?”

She nodded. “It’s delicious. You remembered how I love oxtails, huh? Is it a delicacy here, too?”

“It is today, for you.”

Sitting back in her seat, she asked, “Is this food real, or is it in my head, too?”

“Why wouldn’t it be real, love?” I asked, tilting my head to the side.

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