Page 52 of Believe in Me

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“Y’all still haven’t rented the other side of this place out? You haven’t had a tenant since Ryan lived there.”

“Girl, we haven’t had time!”

“And I guess you really don’t need the money with the way YouTube is going for y’all, plus all that commercial money.”

“Yeah.” She adjusted herself on the sofa. “Soooo, I heard somebody don’t never be home anymore, and her name is not Nicole Strickland,” Angie said, as we sat in her living room waiting for Nicky to arrive. It’d been a long time since we got together for the sisterly bonding we’d all promised to make time for. Angie and Ryan had been busy traveling the country, attending events, Nicky had been so scarce that none of us, including Mama, really knew what she’d been up to, and I’d been in cohabitational bliss with Zo, spending nearly every second I wasn’t at work up under him, letting his good loving soak in. I’d also gained ten pounds from eating his good cooking.

“Who told you that? Mama?” I asked.

“Yeah, she said she had the place to herself these days. Said you started disappearing on her right after your divorce was finalized, and I told her you’re always too busy when I call and invite you out to lunch.”

“That’s because every time you call, Zo is already waiting outside to take me to lunch or he’s fixed something for me at home.”

“At home, huh? So, this thing with you two is serious, Nay?”

I nodded. “Ang, you think I’m moving too fast? I mean, do you think I’m making a mistake by being with another man so soon after Robert?”

“Nay, I don’t know if I’m the authority on taking things slowly. I mean, I knew I loved Ryan pretty quickly, like three months into our relationship. I’d never felt anything like that before. Absolutely nothing compared to what I felt for my husband. It was undeniable, no matter how little time had passed.”

I nodded.

“Is that how you feel about Lorenzo?”

“It is, but…when I used to hear about people falling in love basically at first sight, I thought there was no way that could really happen. I just thought you had to take time and really get to know a person to love them.”

“Maybe in some cases, but I don’t think there are any hard and fast rules when it comes to love. It’s whatever fits for the people involved. You really love him, don’t you?”

“I do. So much. But he’s got a past, you know? And he’s told me things that should be setting off alarms all over the place, but all I feel when I’m with him is love.”

“Then go with that, big sis. You can’t lose with love. Not when it’s real.”

“It’s definitely real. Like you said, I’ve never felt anything like it before. Not even with Robert.”

“You’re happy?”

“Happier than I’ve ever been in my entire life.”


Ryan peeked his head in the living room and smiled at us. “Y’all need anything?”

“No, baby,” Angie answered.

“Okay, I’m headed to the gym in a second, baby. Want me to bring y’all anything back?”

Angie shook her head. “Nothing I can think of.”

A few minutes later, he stepped into the living room, bent over and kissed Angie, and waved at me as he headed out the door.

“Oh, Ryan!” Angie called after him. “Don’t forget, it’s your night to twist my hair.”

“Okay, I’ma grease your scalp, too. I forgot to do it the other night.”

“Okay, bye. Love you.”

“Love you more.”

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