Page 3 of Believe in Me

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“It’s almost over, baby,” the woman said.

I quickly pulled my hand back, startled by what I’d felt. I needed to check her vital signs, but that was going to have to wait. “This is your first pregnancy?” I asked.

The girl nodded.

“Well, your body is definitely doing its job efficiently. The baby is crowning. You felt like you needed to push, because it’s time to bring this baby into the world.”

The girl’s eyes widened. “What?”

“It’s time to push.”

She looked up at the older woman again. “Ma?”

The woman squeezed her hand. “You can do it, baby. Come on!”

I tried not to think about the fact that this woman had let this grown-ass man get involved with her child and got to work, coaching the young lady through delivering a beautiful baby girl while her mother remained at her side, encouraging her. Her husband hung in the doorway of the bathroom with an almost horrified look on his face, and I had to fight not to roll my eyes when the young lady called for him to come cut the cord.

He hesitantly stepped forward and took the scissors from me as his wife held the baby up a little. His hand was shaking, so I placed my hand on his arm and smiled warmly at his sorry, pedophilic butt. He looked me in the eye and gave me a little nod, then with a steady hand, cut the umbilical cord.

“Thank you, Zo. Thank you so much,” the tearful new mother said, as she held the wailing baby to her.

“You got it, princess. You know that.”

I wanted to sigh. No, I wanted to scream. I had seen so many young girls fall into this trap with older men, it was sickening. Bless their hearts, they were just clueless.

What does that make you?

That thought made me halt my hands. Yeah, I’d been a fool, too. An old one. Hell, that probably made me dumber than them. So I cleared my head of any judgmental thoughts and prepared to deliver the afterbirth.

Two hours later, after I’d checked out both baby and mother, weighed the eight-pound baby on my hanging scale, helped the new mom with her first breast feeding, and swallowed my disgust when she announced the baby would be named Loren, after Lorenzo, I packed my bag and left the overly-thankful Melyssa lying in the massive bed with little Loren cradled in her arms.

I made it to the door where Rell stood at attention, and I had to wonder if he’d been standing there for the entirety of my visit. He gave me a slight smile and a nod, and as he reached to open the door, a voice coming from behind me said, “Hey, Doc! Wait up!”

I spun around to find Lorenzo bounding down the stairs, and again, had to fight not to roll my eyes. “I’m not a doctor.”

“I can’t tell. What you did up there? Man, that was amazing!”

I shook my head. “Melyssa did all the work. I just helped her through it. Little Loren is gorgeous. Congratulations.”

“Thanks. Hey, I feel like we need to pay you extra or something. I mean, wow. I’ve never seen anything like that before. It was…”


“Yeah. Beautiful.”

“Well, I don’t take tips, but we do take donations for our scholarship program. You can call the office Monday for details.”

He nodded as he clapped his huge hands together. “I will. I’ll do that for sure. Thanks, again.”

“It was my pleasure.”

“It meant a lot to my sister to be able to have her baby here. And I’m just happy it happened the way she wanted.”

I frowned slightly. “Sister?”

He looked at me, and a flicker of recognition lit in his eyes. “Yeah, Mel is my baby sister. You didn’t think—”

“Actually, I did.”

He chuckled. “Wow. This whole time you’ve probably been thinking I was some asshole predator.”

“No. It was none of my business. Still isn’t.”

“Well, anyway, thanks. I’ll definitely be making that donation.”

“Thank you.”

In my car on the way home, I smiled and wondered to myself why I was so relieved to find out he was Melyssa’s brother.

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