Page 64 of Stay with Me

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She shook her head.

I sighed, finally realizing what was going on in her head. “Look, Nay, I know how badly you want a baby. I know how hard you tried to have one, but sweetie, this is not the answer. This…this is wrong. This is someone else’s child.”

“It’s Robert’s child.”

I stood from my seat on her sofa and began pacing the floor as Renee reached down and picked up the now sleeping baby. “Renee, he cheated on you, didn’t use protection, got another woman pregnant, and you’re babysitting for her. Do you not see the insanity in this?”

“It’s not Robert Jr.’s fault.”

“She named the baby after him?!”

She just looked at me.

“Text him right now and tell him you’re calling children’s services if he doesn’t bring his ass home. You’re not doing this. You want a baby? Adopt one after you divorce his ass, but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let you be made a fool of on my watch!”

She jumped a little because I was basically screaming at her, but I think I shocked her back into reality. Then that damn baby started hypnotizing her again and she shook her head.

“You don’t have to actually call them, Renee. Just tell him you’re going to. I bet his ass will stop ignoring you then.

After almost an hour of me trying to talk some sense into her, she texted him, and at the same time, I texted Nicky to let her know what was going on. She texted back that she’d be over as soon as she got out of class. I had planned to tell my sisters about Daddy’s little pop-up visit, but this baby thing had taken precedence.

Not fifteen minutes after Renee sent the text, Robert came busting through the front door with a look of horror on his face. Renee asked me to leave, and although I didn’t want to, I did. I’d never known him to get physical with her, so I wasn’t worried about that. I was more concerned about her doing something dumb like agreeing to raise his baby, but even if she did, there was nothing I could do about it anyway.


“You okay?” I asked, as he worked on my face. We were attempting to make the “Boyfriend Does My Make-up” video again, but he was being unusually quiet.

“Yeah, I’m concentrating. Are you okay after the day you had? Your dad then your sister?”

I nodded.

“Hold your head still.”

“Sorry. Yeah, I’m good. I needed this distraction, but I thought I’d be laughing more.”

He gave me a smirk. “Thought I’d be fucking up again, huh?”

“You cursed.”

“You said you were gonna speed it up and lay music over most of this video, right?”

“What’d I tell you about those lip readers?”

“Shit, I forgot.”

I giggled.

“Stop laughing at me. Hell, you know I got a problem. Now stop talking so I can hook your lips up.”

I did, sitting patiently, waiting to see the end result.

“Okay, check yourself out in the camera.”

I turned and my mouth dropped open. I looked…beautiful. Even I didn’t do my make-up that well. “Wow, baby! This is incredible!” I gushed.

Ryan smiled, his hazel eyes sparkling. “Thanks.”

“But how? I mean…how?”

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