Page 41 of Stay with Me

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“Hey, man. What’s going on?”

“Nothing. Shit, Ryan? This you?”

“You know it’s me, nigga. Stop playing.”

“I wasn’t sure. Your ass barely calls anymore.”

“That’s because you usually beat me to it.”

“What’s going on, man? You calling about the landlord again?”

I smiled, but held the phone for a second.

“Oh, shit! What happened?”

“Man, so I took your advice and talked to her, told her I was feeling her, and we started going out, been seeing each other since the day after I talked to you.”

“Wait, that was like a month ago. Ryan Boyé has been seeing the same woman for a month?!”

“Yeah. You act like that’s impossible.”

“Shit, I thought it was! So y’all are exclusive? You’re not seeing anyone else?”

“I don’t want to see anyone else. She’s all I want. We’re officially in a relationship now.”


“I even met her mom.”

I thought I heard the phone drop, and the next voice I heard was his wife’s. “Ryan, why is my husband on the floor pretending he just passed out?” Sarita asked.

“Because he’s an asshole. Tell him to get his ass up and back on this phone.”

She laughed, and then KC’s stupid ass was back on the phone saying to her, “Baby, write this down: on this day in history, Ryan Boyé entered a monogamous relationship with a woman!”

“Man, would you stop?”

“Ry, this is truly some unbelievable shit. Where’s she at? I wanna talk to her.”

“She’s at her place next door working. She makes natural hair videos for YouTube.”

“Word? I watch some of that stuff with Sarita from time to time. What’s her name?”

“Your ass watches natural hair videos? Nigga, you’re bald.”

“I said I watch them with my woman. Now that you’re in a relationship, you’ll see. They have you doing all kinds of shit you thought you wouldn’t do.”

“She already is. You see I’m in a relationship. Anyway, her name is Angela. I think she’s 4C Angie on YouTube.”

“4C Angie…hold on, man. Hey, Sarita! Do we watch 4C Angie?!”

I heard his wife yell back, “Yeah! We watched her wash and go tutorial last night!”

“Oh, yeah!” he yelled back at her. Then he lowered his voice. “Shit, man. I see why you were so messed up over her, because, damn!”

“I tried to tell you. Fine ain’t even the word.”

“She got nice hair, too. And she makes quality videos. Good editing.”

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