Page 25 of Stay with Me

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“Yeah, let me grab it and help you.”

Before she could leave the table, I said, “I’ve missed you, Mama. I promise I’ma do better about visiting.”

She smiled. “I would love that. I really would.”


The dinner party was to begin at six-thirty. I had arrived at five-thirty to help set everything up, dressed in my evening attire, and waited in the living room with Mama for everyone else to arrive…including Daddy, who couldn’t manage to come home early even for this occasion.

The first person to arrive was Damon, who Mama was thrilled to see. I hadn’t informed her of the possibility of him coming and knew she’d be pleasantly surprised. As much as he was my little brother, he was also the son she’d never had. She held his face in her hands, and gushed, “Look how handsome you are!” Then she yanked him into a hug. “Oh, Damon! It’s so good to see you!”

He grinned down at her. “It’s good to see you, too, Mom.”

As we both chatted with Damon, I had to wonder how Nicky was late when she still lived there, then I told myself she was probably off somewhere in the middle of screwing potential husband number nine thousand and twenty-six with her wild, nasty ass.

As if on cue, she entered the room wearing a plum-colored bandage dress that looked like it would take some of her skin with it once she peeled it off her body. Trailing behind her was a huge man who looked like he’d played football in a league of giants. He wore a suit and a nervous expression on his face.

“Hey, everyone! This is Warren…” Nicky began.

I guess she got past the hygiene thing. If I’d known we were bringing dates, I could’ve brought Harrison. Now I’ll be the only fool here without a man.

“Warren, this is…Damon?!”

Damon stood from his seat on the sofa next to Mama with the brightest smile on his face. He was the definition of adoration as Nicky flew into his arms. She closed her eyes and rested her head on his chest. “Oh, Damon. I’ve missed you so much!”

“Me, too, Nick.”

They sat down on the sofa with Nicky squeezing in between Mama and Damon, grilling him about the last ten years, leaving Warren standing in the middle of the living room with a bewildered look on his face. So I stood and crossed the room, offering him my hand. “Warren, I’m Angela, Nicky’s sister. Why don’t you have a seat?”

“Yeah, Warren, sit down,” Nicky tossed at him, still laser-focused on Damon.

A few minutes later, Renee and Robert arrived, both looking like they’d rather be anywhere but there or even near each other.

So there we all were, and Daddy still hadn’t arrived. When he finally did, he was a whole hour late, and swooped into the living room like the tornado he was—loud, boisterous, bending over to kiss Mama and insisting his girls gather around him for a group hug.

“Let me go freshen up,” he announced.

“No need to freshen up, baby. You look good, as usual. Let’s go eat. Everyone’s been waiting,” Mama urged sweetly.

He smiled. “Okay, baby.”

Finally, we all migrated to the dining room and took our places around the huge table, with Daddy at the head holding court like the king of his own dysfunctional castle. I might have at least enjoyed the food, even though I was pissed at Daddy for being late to his own party, had I not been seated next to Warren. If I’d thought Nicky was lying about his hygiene, I could now confirm that she was being truthful, because over the aromas of baked ham and yeast rolls, I was inundated by an overwhelming mixture of onions and ass. And Nicky’s ass was sitting across the table, damn near in Damon’s lap. On my other side was Robert. So if I turned my head to avoid the noxious fumes emitting from Warren, I would get an eyeful of Robert’s homely, evil ass.

I sighed as Daddy continued spewing some bullshit about some most likely nonexistent meeting that ran over causing him to be late for the party. Then I closed my eyes and tried to think of something pleasant, recalled the sensation of Ryan’s tongue invading my mouth, his hands on my back. Heard his voice as my name fell from his lips. It was really stupid to reject a man that made me feel the way he made me feel—alive, sexy, and so, so good. There was a tingling between my legs as I could almost feel him touching me there again. I released a soft moan I was sure no one heard—


My eyes popped open, and I said, “Huh?” although I had no idea who had called my name.

Evidently, it was Daddy. “I said, you really outdid yourself with this dinner, baby girl. This food is delicious!” he said.

All three of us were his “baby girls.” I used to wonder if maybe he didn’t remember our names, since the term of endearment never felt very dear coming from a man who was rarely home. Shit, I honestly didn’t know my father. Not really.

Nevertheless, I smiled, and said, “Thanks, Daddy.” Turning to look at my mom, who seemed deep in thought, I added, “Anything for you two.”

Mama smiled at me and stood from her chair at the opposite end of the table from Daddy, raising her glass. “Everyone, I wanna propose a toast to the love of my life.”

I groaned inwardly. She did this every year, toasted to Daddy like he was the husband of the century. I didn’t feel like participating in this sham, but Warren hopped up from his seat, sending a whoosh of ass stank straight into my nostrils, so I stood and held up my glass just to get some relief. Why the hell was Nicky still seeing this funky-ass man? His credit score must have been a damn 800.

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