Page 14 of Stay with Me

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“He had a little pep in his step this morning.”

It was Monday afternoon and since our date on Saturday, we’d met for coffee on Sunday and made plans to attend the Jesse Boykins III concert at the Regal Amphitheater together on the following Friday. I relayed all of this to Nicky and in response, she sighed.

“You just can’t help it, can you?”

I frowned. “Help what?”

“You are exactly one date away from being in a relationship with a man you just met! I mean, really, Ang? Really? This is exactly how you ended up with Benny and Khalil!”

“I like him. What am I supposed to do? Just stop seeing him?”

She leaned forward, carefully enunciating every word as if each was foreign to me. “You’re supposed to be dating. Like, more than one guy.”

“You had to fix me up with Harrison. How am I supposed to find another guy to go out with?”

“Sis! You’re an attractive woman. You have a nice body. You gonna sit there and tell me guys don’t approach you—oh, wait, your ass is a hermit. I forgot.”

I lifted a brow. “I actually leave home quite often.”

“I know. You frequent several drive-thrus, and I bet when you do happen to go into a public place, you’re wearing that scowl you always wear. Poor guys are probably afraid to even approach you.”

I frowned. “What scowl?”

“That one! The one you’re wearing now. That ‘do not approach me, I’m not interested’ scowl.”

I pursed my lips. “Whatever.”

“Here’s your mission: go somewhere, anywhere, and smile and be friendly. I bet some guy approaches you.”

“And stop seeing Harrison?”

“At least put more days between your dates with him. Sheesh!”

I opened my mouth to reply, but a knock at my front door halted me. Nicky’s eyes were glued to me as I stood and checked the peephole. Glancing at her, I opened the door and smiled at him. “Hi,” I said.

“Hi, um…the mailman stuck some of your mail in my box,” he said, holding up a couple of envelopes.

“Oh, thank you. It happens from time to time. I’ll probably be bringing you your misplaced mail sooner or later.”

Ryan Boyé’s eyes sparkled. “Well, at least you know where I live.”

“Yeah, off early today?” I asked for some unknown reason. I guess I just wanted an excuse to look at him a little longer, and of course, to hear his voice.

“Angie, you could let the man in instead of interrogating him in your doorway,” Nicky called from behind me.

“Oh, yeah. I’m being rude. Wanna come in?” I asked.

With a smile, he replied, “Sure.”

He took a seat in the accent chair I had vacated, and I sat next to Nicky on the sofa. “Mr. Boyé, this is my sister, Nicole. Nicky, this is my new tenant, Ryan Boyé.”

“Pleasure to meet you,” he said, standing to shake Nicky’s hand.

“Oooh, nice accent. Louisiana, right?” Nicky flirted.

He gave her a lopsided grin. “Yes.”

“Hmm,” Nicky said, eyeing him like a shark would a school of tiny fish.

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