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“Cotter…” I moaned.

His lips landed on my neck, and the kiss sent a shiver down my spine. “You feel so good wrapped around my cock, Aelix,” he hissed. “Your pussy feels like fucking Heaven.”

I held onto the table tighter when Cotter pushed me back onto the wood, then gripping my hips, started slamming into me hard and deep. My body accepted him like it knew exactly who he was and what he was capable of, and everything in me knew for a fact that Cotter didn’t make love. Cotter Moore fucked, and he did it with enough skill to make a woman forget that sex was all that he wanted.

“Oh, God…” I whimpered. “Cotter…please…”

“I’m not stopping until you’re a mess all over me, baby,” he grunted darkly. “Fuck, I can’t get enough of what you do to me.”

Because I was so sensitive, it didn’t take long for me to start feeling the telltale signs of my orgasm, and maybe that was why he didn’t mind sex on my period. Though it was messy, there was no denying that every feeling was amplified, and I wasn’t afraid to let him know that.

“Harder, Cotter…” I demanded. “Make me cum…”

He did.

Then he did it again.

After that, he did it again, and he didn’t stop until he had to carry me to the bathroom.

Chapter 5


After I’d left Aelix’s condo last night, I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her and these past couple of years, or how I needed to get realistic about our future. Aelix was thirty-three now, and at what point was she going to finally want to settle down? After all, two years was plenty of time to get over a douchebag cheating on you, right?

I was also self-aware enough to recognize that this was all stemming from seeing Aelix at lunch with that asshole, and that was another thing that was bothering me. I hadn’t ever examined my feelings for Aelix because I hadn’t had to before now. We’d had a simple arrangement, and there’d been no need to make things complicated by bringing feelings into it, especially since Aelix had never once acted like she’d wanted more.

“I swear to God, if you don’t do something about that goddamn assistant of yours, I’m going to toss him off the roof of the building.”

I looked up to see Cutter storming into my office. “Well, hello to you, too.”

Cutter ignored me, taking a seat in front of my desk. “I had the misfortune of getting trapped with him in the elevator, and he wouldn’t shut up about the injustice of Harold Croupe daring to call you directly.”

My lips twitched at that. “Yeah, he’s still trying to work through his feelings about that.”

“Then let him work them out with a licensed therapist,” Cutter huffed. “I mean, how many times do I have to tell him that I’m too busy for him to get the hint.”

“I’d ask if you’re in a bad mood, but you’re always like this,” I snorted.

Cutter shot me a knowing look. “Not always.”

“I still haven’t forgiven you for not locking your goddamn office door,” I reminded him.

“Just keep Sumner away from me, and then I’ll be in a fan-fucking-tastic mood,” he shot back.

Ignoring him, I asked, “Do you and Merritt have sex while she’s on her period?”

Cutter scowled. “What kind of question is that?” The man looked genuinely offended. “Of course, we do. What the fuck do I look like?”

I grinned at that. “So, you don’t consider it a fetish?”

After carrying Aelix to the shower last night, I had taken my time washing her clean, and I’d found myself feeling lucky at how she wasn’t bothered by sex on her period. Or, if she was, she wasn’t bothered enough not to do it. The first time that she had sent me a text to let me know that she was on her period, I’d been genuinely baffled by why she’d think that I’d care about something as natural as a woman’s menstruation cycle. Yeah, I knew that a lot of guys didn’t care for the mess, but I found it absolutely silly to have those kinds of reservations when it came to sex during that time of the month.

Rich kids were the worst, so while in college, I’d seen and participated in my fair share of group sex, and it was crazy how lots of men didn’t mind sliding inside a pussy that was already stuffed with another man’s spunk, but blood bothered them. Besides, if bodily fluids were that big of a deal, that’s what condoms were for. Luckily for me, one month into our arrangement, Aelix and I had done the whole blood test thing, then after proof of her being on birth control, we’d gotten rid of the condoms.

At any rate, there was just something primal about fucking Aelix while she was on her period. It felt like I was owning her at her most vulnerable, and it got my dick hard like nothing else. She was never more a woman than when she was bleeding, and I liked that. I liked every feminine quality about her, and that included when her tits were swollen and tender, when she was cramping, and when her womb was so sensitive that she came almost instantly all over me.

“No,” Cutter answered. “I consider it wanting my woman more than caring about a mess that can be taken care of with a shower and the washing machine.” My brother shot me a look. “Why are you asking? It’s not like you to get into my personal business like that.”

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