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I slid two fingers back inside her cunt as I lapped her ass. Her moans were deepening, and it was nice to know that Merritt wasn’t a stickler for the rules in the bedroom. Ass play was usually something that was reserved for a few months down the line, but I wanted everything from this woman, and I was going to start taking it from her tonight.

Her body clenched around my fingers as my tongue circled her tight ass, and I was pretty sure that Merritt couldn’t be any more perfect. She had the drive to keep up with me at work, the loyalty to make me hand over everything that I owned, the body to make me worship her for the rest of my life, and the personality to make everything else fade away after a bad day. Even though Cotter and I hadn’t had the best example of love during our early years, Phin and Sheridan had changed all that, so I knew what it was that I felt for Merritt, and while I wasn’t going to say it now and scare her off, my feelings for her were the real deal.

“Fuck, I can’t wait any longer,” I growled as I stood up, freeing myself in record time.

“Oh, Christ…Cutter…” Merritt cried out as I slammed into her, her fingers gripping the edge of the desk in a bid to hold on.

My entire chest tightened with the indescribable pleasure of feeling pussy on my bare cock for the first time in my life. For a man, it was damn near impossible to have bad sex, so I’d never had any complaints in that department. Even the worst pussy in the world was still fucking incredible, so I’d always been satisfied with my sex life.

However, now?

As irresponsible as it was, no wonder men risked pregnancy or disease for this feeling. Merritt wrapped around me, her slickness coating every inch of my cock, her heat searing every nerve ending in my dick, it was enough to make me drop to my knees and beg her to never leave me. Of course, that could also be my feelings for her talking, but whatever it was, now that I knew what it felt like to have her free and clear, I was going to live inside her.

“Jesus Christ, you feel so good, baby,” I grunted as I started fucking her in a steady rhythm. “I’m not sure how much longer I can last.”

“Cutter…oh, God…don’t stop…” she begged, and it was like music to my fucking ears.

Not caring about anything but pleasuring this precious creature, I dropped a bead of spit on her ass, then worked my thumb inside her, praying that I was going to get inside every one of her orifices tonight. While I was hoping for a lot, until Merritt told me to stop, I wasn’t going to. I was going to cross every single fucking line with her tonight, so that there was no way that she could walk away from me tomorrow morning. I was going to drive her so out of her goddamn mind that she wasn’t going to know how to function without me after this.

“You like that, baby?” I asked, my thumb and cock alternating inside her.

“Yes…” she panted. “God, yes…”

I leaned down, my chest pressing on her back. “How much?” I asked, my breath fanning her ear. “How much do you like what I’m doing to you?”

“Cutter…” she whimpered.

“Enough to let me fuck your tight ass tonight?” I pushed my thumb into her deeper. “Even to give me everything that I want from you?”

“Cutter…oh, God…” she cried out. “Cutter, please…please…”

“Tell me that I can have you, Merritt,” I demanded. “Tell me that you belong to me.”

“I’m yours,” she rushed out, her voice full of dark need.

“Say it again.”

“I’m yours, Cutter,” she rushed out, obeying like a good girl.

Satisfied for now, I straightened, then went back to sliding inside her, deep and hard, making sure that she could feel me everywhere. With one hand gripping her hip and the other pleasuring her some more, I fucked Merritt like I hadn’t been able to breathe before she came into my life. I fucked her like she might disappear on me in the morning. I fucked her like the rest of my life was wrapped up in this one woman, and it actually was. There was no going back for me now. Having her withering beneath me like this, there was no chance of ever going back to a life without her as something more than just my assistant.

“I need you to cum for me, baby,” I told her. “I need to feel you exploding for me.”

“Yes, Cutter…please…”

“Your cunt is strangling my cock like it never wants to let it go,” I grunted as I started fucking her harder. “You feel that? You feel how your pussy was made for me?”

“Yes…yes…” she panted.

“Do you feel how my cock was made for you?” I asked, because that’s what was important here. Merritt needed to know that she owned all of me. She needed to know that I belonged to her just as much as she belonged to me. She needed to know that she was the only one, and that she was always going to be the only one. “Do you?”

“Yes, Cutter…” she whimpered.

I wasn’t sure if she was telling the truth or just placating me, but that was something that we could talk about later. Right now, I just needed her to cum for me because I wasn’t going to last much longer. Bare pussy was no fucking joke, and the pleasure was driving me out of my goddamn mind.

“Cum for me,” I ordered again. “Cum for me, Merritt.”

“Don’t stop…Cutter…God, don’t stop…”

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