Page 62 of Intense

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There’s a crack from behind us and a bullet smashes into the ground right in front of Richard. He shouts and jumps back, eyes wide. His goons all pull out weapons.

“I wouldn’t fire those, if I were you,” Lorraine calls out. “This place is surrounded. Boys?”

Suddenly, lights flash on all around us, probably twenty glowing beacons all told. The looks on the faces of Richard’s men are fucking priceless as they slowly put their guns on the ground.

The flashlights turn off, and the men disappear again. I step toward Richard.

“Like I said, you’ll sign that contract, and you’ll leave Aria alone. Understood?”

He gapes at me, shocked. I walk toward him, a wicked grin on my face. I’m relishing this moment, savoring the look on his face. He’s defeated and he knows it, but I need more. I want him to grovel.

“Ethan,” Lorraine warns me.

I stop in front of Richard. His eyes are wide with anger, and I can tell he’s on the verge of doing something stupid.

“I get everything,” I say. “I win and you lose. And I get your daughter.” I grin at him.

He swings, just like I wanted. His fist lashed out, clumsy and wide. I duck it, elbow him in the gut, and then bring my other fist up and clock his chin.

He staggers back and his men have to grab him to keep him standing.

“Do as you’re told,” I say. “Or you’re finished.”

Lorraine sighs. “Ethan, enough.”

I nod and walk away, back to Aria. I take her hand and squeeze it and she laughs a little.

“Asshole,” she whispers.

Richard staggers to his feet, getting his balance again. “This isn’t over,” he calls out.

“Yes, it is,” Lorraine says. “The Syndicate is done with you. Fuck up and we’ll destroy you. Do as you’re told, Richard. Don’t make me come out in the middle of the night again, please.”

Richard is at a loss for words. He stares at the woman, finally comprehending who she is and what we’re doing here. He nods once.

“Go to your car, go home, and be good.” Lorraine waves to him.

Richard pauses then turns. The whole group of them gets back into their SUVs and we watch as they drive away.

Lorraine sighs as they disappear around the bend. “Did you have to hit him?” she asks.

“Yes,” I say.

“Well, I can’t pretend like that wasn’t satisfying, but it’s late and I’m tired. Dear?”

Aria steps toward her. “Yes?”

“Do you want to stay with Mr. Locks here?”

“Yes,” she says.

“And Mr. Locks. Do you want Aria?”

“Yes,” I say. “Absolutely.”

“Good. Be nice to each other. Your contract with us is done, Aria. Good luck.”

“Thank you.” She kisses Lorraine gently on the cheek.

“I hope I never see you two ever again,” she says happily, then hobbles over to her car. She disappears into the back and then the car drives off.

We stand there for a moment, Aria and I, alone in the lot. Lorraine’s men are gone too, I can sense them no longer staring at us. I step toward Aria, smiling.

“What now?” I ask her.

She shrugs. “I don’t know. We’re free.”

“We are.”

“No more money. No more Syndicate. Just the two of us.” She smiles at me, a little uncertain. “Are you sure about this?”

I grab her hips, pull her against me, and kiss her hard.

I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. I melt into the kiss, hoping she understands that, and knowing she will eventually. I’m going to make a life with this woman. I’ll pay off her debts and make her my fucking wife one day, whether she knows it yet or not.

That’s all that matters to me. It’ll be us two against the world. But hopefully not. Hopefully it’ll just be us two and nothing else, only joy.



One Year Later

I can hear the ocean just outside of the balcony doors. I stir in bed, taking a deep breath, and I smile.

Ethan is already up and outside. I climb out of bed and push aside the curtains. The view is astounding and amazes me every morning just as much as it did the first time. The beachfront town spreads out around us, with the ocean barely a quarter mile away. Sea birds cry out and I blink at the sun.

“Morning,” Ethan says. “My beautiful wife.”

I laugh and smile at him. “Morning yourself. Why’d you let me sleep so late?”

“You looked too content. Couldn’t wake you.”

I smile and walk over to him. Ethan is sitting at a table eating a modest breakfast and wearing a white shirt open at the chest with white slacks.

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