Page 130 of Intense

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Mason was safe, and Emory was going to save everyone else.

Emory could do it. All I had to do was trust him, and I did.



“Sir, I think I know what’s happening.”

Blackfire was silent for a second as I looked out over the balcony at the drab motel parking lot. The events of the last day poured through my mind, and I picked it over, choosing only the necessary moments.

“And what’s that, soldier?” he asked.

“Sir, we found a business card on the person of one of the men who attacked us. Tara recognized the company. Apparently they work with her father, who has business dealings with nuclear power plants.”

“Interesting,” Blackfire said. “We haven’t gotten any intel about any imminent attacks.”

“No, because I think this one is happening fast. They’re using covert American agents to do their dirty work.”

“What other evidence do you have?”

“Cooper is dead,” I said, “and Tara’s parents are gone.”

“Shit,” Blackfire said. “Coop was a good soldier.”

“He was, sir.”

“I’ll take care of his family, and a cleanup crew will be dispatched to the Bright house.”

“But sir, he left a small drawing in his own blood. It looks like a mitten, but we believe it’s of Michigan. There’s a power plant in Michigan that Tara’s father was working with only a few weeks ago.”

“Why didn’t we know this already?”

“I think because we were too busy focusing on the revenge aspect of all this. That may have been Omar’s intention all along, to distract us from his real intentions.”

“Damn,” Blackfire said. “Damn that fucking bastard. That clever fucking bastard.”

“What do you think, sir?”

“We have no other good leads,” he said. “I’ll send some backup, and consider any resources we have at your disposal.”

“Roger that, sir.”

“Emory, you must pursue and destroy these bastards. You can’t let them get away with Coop’s death, much less with an attack on American soil.”

“My thoughts exactly, sir.”

“Good luck, soldier.” He hung up the phone.

I felt Travis appear next to me. “We on for this?” he asked.

“We sure as fuck are,” I said. “I’ve got one more call to make. Then we’re heading to Michigan. Get the car ready.”

“Roger that, cap.”

Travis headed off while I dialed another number. It rang, and finally she picked up.

“Navy Intelligence,” Lucy said.

“Lucy, it’s Emory,” I said quickly. “I need some help.”

“You called the right place. What can I do for you?”

“I need surveillance data for the Donald Cook nuclear power plant and all the surrounding hotels. Any suspicious activity, anything needs to come to me immediately.”

“What are we looking for?”

“Omar Hooth and several American associates. Also keep an eye out for Roger and Celine Bright.”

“Okay, Emory. You got it.”

“Thanks, Lucy. Send all updates to this number.” I hung up the phone.

Tara came out of the room, dressed and frowning slightly. “Is everything okay?” she asked me.

“We’re heading to Michigan,” I said. “Navy is looking into surveillance data, trying to pinpoint your parents.”

“Actually, about that. I found something weird.”

I raised an eyebrow. “What?”

She held up one of my phones. “I borrowed this. Hope you don’t mind.”

“Better than using your own.”

She smiled and tapped something. “Here. Take a look. This is my dad’s bank account.”

I looked over her shoulder. “One transaction from today. Is that a gas station?”

“Yeah, it is. I Googled it, and apparently it’s in Michigan.”

“Fuck,” I said. “This can’t be for real.”

“I think they used his card, Emory.”

I laughed, shaking my head. “Do you have an address?”

“Yeah, I do.”

I grinned hugely and grabbed her, pulling her against me. I hugged her hard. “Great fucking job.”

“Why would they use his card though?”

“Somebody in Omar’s group royally fucked up. I’m guessing one of the less experienced Americans.” I kissed her hard then, letting my joy overflow against her.

She kissed me back and then slowly pulled away. “So you’re impressed then?” she asked.

“Very impressed.”

“Glad I’m here?”

“Very glad.”

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