Page 89 of Alien From Exile

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The sun above is beginning to set, and I know it will only be more difficult to find her if I lose the light.

I pause to take a deep inhale. The pool might’ve washed away the unique scent of Frankie’s hair, but the scent of her cunt is lingering. It’s very slight, so I follow it before the sulfuric gusts can erase her trail. The scent leads me uphill on a winding stepped pathway that goes by strange rock formations that drip with hot spring water, staining the stone in an ombre of color.

When I reach the highest point of the walkway’s climb, I have a decent view down of the bathhouse and across the black vine covered plateau that stretches beyond the rock formation.

“Francesca!” I call, my voice echoing off the rocks. “Are you the one hiding from me now?”

There’s a fork here, one way leading across the plateau and one that leads into an overgrown thicket that must’ve once been a manicured garden. I have a clear vantage point and there’s no sign of her, so she must be in the foliage, taking cover. Her short legs can’t have taken her that far out of my reach, could they?

I run into the thicket, keeping to the path even though the vines and bushes have made it impossible to walk without batting branches out of the way. I sniff furiously as I fight through the brush, feeling more animal than ever and seeking some clue that I’m still hot on her trail.

I burst into a clearing, where I see a small pavilion that once paid homage to an ancestral mated pair. All that’s left of it is a circular foundation and a wide metal bowl for offerings. But I spy little wet footprints leading across the foundation, and I smell her in the air. I follow the direction of her feet, which lead toward a new path that cuts through the rest of the overgrown garden.

I start to run that way, but I soon hesitate, feeling as though the scent of her has fizzled out into nothing. I’m already halfway down that path when I realize I must’ve gone the wrong way, so I whip around to retrace my steps.

There, at the end of the path where I started, I see her climbing out from a bush on her hands and knees. She was watching me when I stopped at the pavilion, and that sneaky little female must’ve made those footprints on the stone purposefully. As she gets to her feet again, she freezes, having noticed me looking at her from halfway down her decoy trail.

There’s dirt caked on her knees, leaves stuck in her hair, and a wicked smile on her face.

We both take off running once more, and I’m putting on speed with the knowledge that she’s tired and will be forced to take a path through the thick brush that will slow her down.

She’ll be mine soon.

Sure enough, I can hear her panting through the foliage, making it clear which direction she took. She’s heading even further from where we came, deeper into the temple grounds. As I plunge into the brush once more, I can see flickers of her skin through the leaves just ahead of me. I try to reach for her a few times, but only catch more branches as she slips through the gaps, using her smaller body to her advantage.

When we both emerge from the overgrowth, she’s only retaining a short lead on me. There’s a small pool ahead of us, and beyond it, the edge of the forest. As the sky darkens, it flares pink and purple near the horizon line, turning the trees into spiny black silhouettes against the changing colors. If I lose her in the forest, I might have more desperate tracking to do.

I can’t let her get away.

My mate is poised to make a choice—take a right around the edge of the pool with a paved platform or take a left around the edge that’s choking with black vines and more shrub growths. I feel certain that she’ll opt for the shrubs because she knows I’ll outpace her quickly without any options for clever hide-and-seek.

But she surprises me once again by diving headfirst into the pool. Without hesitation, I dive after her. Compared to the boiling temperature of the Proving Pool, this water feels tepid at best, even though steam still rises from the surface. She cuts through the water ahead of me at an impressive speed, but she’s no match for me, not when my leap alone made up half the distance between us.

I beat out her strokes through the water and wait until she comes up for air to slip my arm around her waist and clamp her body against mine. With a gasp for air and eyes fluttering open, she resists for only a moment before she relents to being captured. She clings to me, and I feel how hard her heart is hammering as I swim to the closest edge of the pool. We’re both too exhausted for words, but our bodies are singing to one another as legs slide against legs and her nipples drag against my chest.

She lets out a shriek that quickly turns to laughter as I haul her out, water slaking off us and turning the stone platform into a slick surface. I flip her and toss her over my shoulder for safekeeping while I look for a soft place to have my way with her.

“Sounds like you’re having fun,” I say, squeezing her ass. “Laugh it up. You’ll be screaming soon.”

The stretch between the garden’s edge and the pool will work nicely. She’s still breathing hard as I lay her down on her stomach in a bed of grass and weeds. I allow her a moment to catch her breath, enjoying the view of her splayed naked legs and her wild brown hair strewn across the silvery-green shoots and stems.

Her panting subsides, and I straddle her body, caging it with my own on my hands and knees.

“What happened,” I purr into her ear, “to staying out of trouble?”

“Am I in trouble?” she asks coyly.

“I warned you when you looked at my body like it was something to eat earlier. Still, you provoked me.” I grasp her hair, twisting the thick bundle around my palm, and then I pull her head back. “Open your mouth, wife, and show me your tongue.”

She opens her trembling lips.

“You said you wanted to lose control, and I’m willing to provide. Now, do you want me to spit in your mouth?” I ask her, running my free hand over her exposed throat.

“Yes,” she says, then shows me her tongue.

“There’s a good mate.” I roll the saliva in my mouth, collecting enough to make her mind into a mess of desire for me. I spit onto her waiting tongue and press her jaw to close it.

“You did well,” I tell her as she swallows, never taking her eyes off me. “You used the environment to your advantage. Very clever. But the game is up, and your cunt is mine.”

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