Page 87 of Alien From Exile

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“I’m more than horny,” I snap. “You need to leave, because I can barely keep my hands off you.”

“You’re doing a very good job,” she comments, “seeing as I’m over here, and you’re still over there.”

My cheeks heat from her praise, no matter how frustrated I am. There’s a disappointed edge to her words, and she’s not taking her leave. Her eyes keep darting toward my cock. Haven’t I made myself clear enough about the consequences?

“Did you hear me?” I ask. “I’m here because I can’t possibly restrain myself, so it would be better if you left.”

“I don’t want to leave,” she says. “Maybe we’re ready.”

“I promise you; I’m not going to be able to hold back from you,” I try to explain. “Later, when I’m under control again.”

“Mak.” My name always sounds sweet on her lips. “I have to tell you this.”

“Frankie, I don’t—”

“I love you,” she says suddenly, stepping toward me. “I’m in love with you.”

I grip the edge of the bench to steady myself.

“What part of this situation makes you think that’s going to help matters?” I demand. My heart’s pounding quickly. My eyes betray me again, darting over the pucker of transparent fabric stuck to her nipples.

“That’s not the reaction I was expecting.”

“I love you too. I’ve loved you since I first saw you draw breath. I’ll love you until the end of time. Now, you need to remove that devastating body from my presence before I once again become a male who breaks promises.”

She pouts, at a momentary loss for words. But the way her bottom lip juts out makes me want to bite.

Not helping, I think, willing the amma’ka to lay dormant for just a while longer.

“What did you imagine?” I ask her. “When we get back to the Revenge, you can say it again, and I’ll react like I haven’t heard you say it yet?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not disappointed,” she says. “Surprised, maybe, but not disappointed. You’re accepting it so casually.”

“You’ve been in love with me for a while,” I inform her.

She crosses her arms over her chest.

“And how would you know how I feel inside when I’ve said nothing?”

I almost laugh, because what a ridiculous question.

“Do you think I’m blind to the way you look at me? When you get shy, the way your cheeks turn pink, the way you were willing to fight for me in every way you knew how… All these things I’ve noticed are not coincidences. You haven’t done all that because we’re friends or because you signed a contract, did you?”

“No,” she admits. “Am I really that transparent?”

“You are really that deeply in love with me,” I say. “So much that you can’t hide it.”

“Fine. But if I’m confessing my love that you already knew about, then what’s the problem? Why hide from me when we’ve made so much progress? You’ve touched me all over, made me come hard enough to see stars,” she argues.

“Being in love doesn’t mean that you’re ready for the full strength of my amma’ka. Not when I’ve been keeping it held back all this time and suddenly, I can’t get a grip on it at all.”

“Did something change?” she asks.

“Maybe,” I say. “Or I’m exhausted. But the spirit’s power was strong within the Proving Pool. It could’ve affected the kali within my body somehow… if that’s even possible.”

“You’re not the only one that felt strange during the ceremony,” she tells me, stepping closer. “I can’t quite describe the way it affected me, but I felt an energy there so close to the lava flow.”

“I can’t tell if it was what happened when I was under the surface, feeling the Kali’Ka ripple through me in the water, or if it was simply the sight of you walking toward me with that ruined dress sticking to every inch of you…” I shudder, remembering the way her breasts swayed and her nipples hardened under my watch as the cool air settled on her skin. “But I felt all self-control drift away, and I knew that I had to get as far away from you as I could.”

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