Page 85 of Alien From Exile

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“You seem to be full of energy still. So go and enjoy the banquet with your friends,” he says.

He’s the master of calm, cool, and collected, but there’s a colder bend to his words that has me doubting whether this is about exhaustion at all.

“If that’s what you’d prefer.”

“The baths will do my nerves some good,” he says, his words reminding me of some eighteenth-century aristocrat who needs an excuse to escape her annoying husband.

There are a few old structures aside from the main temple that are in decent shape, ones that were built from stone to cover the cooler natural springs that can be comfortably enjoyed for recreational bathing. Mak had encouraged his warriors to spend their leisure time there after the ceremony concluded, and that’s where he means to head now.

“But I thought…” I trail off, feeling crushed even if he has the right to alone time.

He dips down to kiss the crown of my head. “I’ll speak with you later.”

And before I can summon a reason to stop him, he’s gone.

I stand there for a beat, unsure what to do. I can’t shake the feeling that he’s hiding something. Maybe he’s still angry about the fact that I put him through the stress of watching me walk into that pool. I’d thought we’d moved past it, but did the ceremony bring those frustrations back to the surface?

I glance at the trellis covered avenue that bends around the side of the pool, leading back to the crowds and the larger temple ruins. But I don’t want to go.

We should be together after that, I think, my stubbornness setting in. I don’t care if he’s mad; I just want to be with him.

Keeping my robe tightly wrapped with one hand, I set off across the web of stone pathways that lead away from the Proving Pool in the opposite direction. I hear music rising in the air behind me as the post-ceremony celebrations begin. Neither stars of the show will be there, but I doubt that will stop a single Kar’Kali from enjoying the banquet.

His wet feet left a clear trail towards the bathhouse, so I follow it.

When I come around a bend, the building appears in the distance, and I see him flinging open the door.

“Mak,” I call, catching only a glimpse of his blue curls before he disappears into the steam.

My feet slap the wet tiles as I pursue him, my determination building with every step. There are a few groups of warriors here and there, enjoying the pools without a care for the ceremony. When they see me stomping through, conversations stop, and eyes are averted. I carefully avoid the edge of the pool, and the speed at which I can go is limited by the slippery floors. But when I arrive at the arched entry to another area, one of the warriors in the nearby pool splashes out to intervene.

“Err, my lady, that area is for males only. A changing area, since there’s a lack of private stalls in these old buildings,” he explains politely. “Another one’s been set up for females over there. I’m sure you’ll be more comfortable—”

“Actually, I’m looking for the Ka’lakka,” I say firmly. “So I’ll be heading in the direction he’s gone. Nothing in there that I haven’t seen before.”

“One of us could send a message to him,” he offers. “There are naked males—”

“Like I said, nothing I haven’t seen before. I promise to mind my business. Besides, there’s enough steam that they won’t even know I’m there.”


“Enjoy your evening,” I bid them goodbye and rush through the archway. It leads me into a much smaller room, in which I only scandalize a few young warriors with my presence while they’re in their birthday suits. My eyes scan past them, searching for a clue as to where Mak has gone.

“I was just looking for you.” Viro suddenly appears, and I’m certain he was recently dispatched to look after me while Mak is busy avoiding me. “But isn’t this meant to be a males’ only area? You’re going to give the unmated warriors a coronary, running around in that—”

“Eat a dick, Vi. And tell me where the fuck my husband is. I know you’ve been put on distract Frankie duty!”

“I’ll have you know, I’ve already done that many times, and I would never consider it a slight,” he sniffs. “You’re correct, but I’m not sure I should fess up if you’re going to use uncouth human language.”

“Why is he avoiding me?” I demand. “After today, I thought he would be happy. I proved them all wrong, and I want to enjoy it with him. Is he really still angry with me for risking a few stupid burns?”

“Aw, Frankie,” he sighs, dropping his snippy act. “You’re making it difficult for me to sass you.”

“Sorry.” I press the heel of my hand between my brows. I need to calm down. “Tell me where he is.”

Viro looks reluctant. “You and I both might regret this. There’s a suite down that hallway.” He presents a rusty old-fashioned key. “Take this thing.”

I snatch it from his hand.

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