Page 64 of Alien From Exile

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Others pitch in their own thoughts on the matter, and I gnash my teeth silently.

Now Frankie’s head is whipping back and forth as she tries to keep up each person’s commentary.

When I’ve had enough, I raise my voice to declare, “This matter was closed for a reason. Because I stated my piece. My final word is the same as it was the first time. I won’t entertain the rumors, and I won’t entertain this risky ceremony.”

“But you haven’t let your mate speak,” the councilwoman points out.

“Because the rest of you are too loud,” Po says with a smirk.

Every head at the table turns to await an answer from Frankie.

“I don’t think it would be wise for me to make a decision when I’ve only learned of this today,” she says, passing the coin back to Kannita. “I’ll admit, it does sound quite wild to human ears. But you know what else sounded wild? Volcanic activity that could attack a planet’s invaders.”

“Are you considering it, then?” Kannita says with a widening smile. “As I said, the Ka’lakka shot the idea down quite quickly the last time I brought it to the council.”

“I will think about it,” my mate concludes. “Thank you all for having me at council today.”



Mak is stewing when we leave the council. This could’ve been an evening to celebrate making Ta’Nak Annir our new home, but instead we walk silently back to his quarters together.

As much as I hate seeing him so frustrated, I’ve been curious all this time whether I’d get a glimpse of what an angry Mak might be like. We’ve been married a few months now by Earth standards, and there’s been no disagreements thus far.

He’s never been one to keep his thoughts hidden from me. As soon as the door slides shut, it begins.

“You’re not seriously considering that proposal, are you?” he demands.

“Why shouldn’t I?” I ask. “I appreciate that you’re offended on my behalf by the people that doubt me, but that doesn’t mean we should ignore them.”

“Kannita exaggerates,” he says, blowing out a breath of exasperation. “She has ulterior motives of her own…”

My nose wrinkles up in confusion.

“What would they be?”

“Forget it. It’s complicated. But forget it all because I won’t allow it. The potential for danger outweighs the positives here.”

“You won’t allow it?” A stiff smile creeps across my lips. “You didn’t just say that.”

I’ve told him bits and pieces about my teenage years and early twenties, when I did nothing but reckless deeds that would enrage and embarrass my father. I put that behind me, of course, but when faced with a man telling me directly that he won’t allow something? It triggers the spite in me.

He blinks at me, confused by my reaction.

“I have to draw the line at your safety,” he says, shifting his weight uncomfortably.

I let out a cold laugh. “So you’re serious, then? Do you forbid me?”

“Francesca, you were nearly burned to death!” he cries. “How are you so calm about the prospect of being back in regen unconscious again?”

“And what if it works?” I ask. “Aren’t you the one who has faith in your spirit?”

“We haven’t lived on this planet in living memory. This ceremony could properly honor the spirit and the sacred pool could truly have a religious connection to what I consider the soul of our people,” he says. “Or it could all possibly be an invention of a bygone culture, a ruse they made to trick the masses, anything! We simply don’t know, and I don’t want to test theories by watching my wife walk into a flesh-burning volcanic pool!”

“You are shouting at me,” I inform him calmly. “I know you’re upset, and you don’t usually do that, so I’ll give you a pass. This time.”

He clears his throat and takes a deep breath.

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