Page 60 of Alien From Exile

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“Come for me now,” I finally demand, knowing he needs that release now.

With strangled moan, he orgasms. The pleasure ripples through his body. My eyes are drawn to the way his abdomen tightens as his cock twitches and then releases a stream of seed.

His cum shoots out in an arc, splattering the ground between us. It’s plentiful, coating the leaves and moss that blanket the forest floor. He looks ready to collapse from the intensity of the climax.

Those pretty eyelashes flutter as he comes down from the highs of arousal.

“Relieved?” I ask.

“Very,” he breathes out.

I drag my finger through the cum-covered moss. Mak’s looking more thunderstruck now than when he was mid-climax as I bring the liquid to my mouth and taste it. There’s an earthy flavor to it that might be the forest floor or might be him. It’s not bad at all, but more importantly, it makes me feel connected to him. I’d taste it again just to see that dumbfounded look on his face.

“Are you ready to go, or do you need a moment?” I ask him.

“If I take a moment, I will pass out right here,” he says, pulling himself off the ground.

He stumbles, and I dive forward to help, stretching my fingers across his chest.

“Woah, you alright?”

“I assure you; I’ve never been better.”

“And where is your loincloth?” I demand, making a quick check of the immediate area. It’s the perfect excuse to get my hands off him, to avoid the temptation to keep touching him.

“How should I know?”

I lead him the rest of the way to the speeder with a steadying grip on his arm. Since I’m dragging him forward through sheer will, there’s plenty of space between me and his glorious display of steel gray muscles. He’s swaying about like a drunken sailor, but I have a theory he’s acting extra useless to encourage my touching and attention. I’d be annoyed by it if he weren’t so adorable. It’s hard not to laugh at the lumbering, naked alien who I consistently catch staring at me like I hung the moon.

I push him toward the back of the speeder when we safely make it there.

“Get on. You can do it yourself, so quit faking you big baby.”

He shoots me a mischievous grin as he swings a leg over, surely aware of how his cock swings along with it. I whip my head away. How quickly I’ve gone from never having seen it to getting an up-close show.

“You’re very cute when you’re shy.”

I ignore him as I climb into the front seat and fire up the engine.

“But today I learned it’s even better when you’re not shy at all,” he adds, sidling up behind me.

“I can’t tell if you’re drunk or if this is the amma’ka,” I say as we’re finally ready to lift off the ground.

“Bit of both, I’d say. We should take a speeder ride every day,” he says, the words wobbling from his tired mouth. “Did I mention it’s become my new favorite activity?”

He makes it obvious why by leaning his face close to mine. His heat covers me, his legs spooning mine. It’s just like every other time we’ve driven together except he’s buck naked, and it’s not the same at all. Because I’m jittery with complicated feelings for him, from the recent revelations of love to the slow simmering desire my body has been building for him for quite some time now.

“How much did you drink before the ceremony?”

“Hmmm. Don’t recall,” he sniffs.

His weight flops against me, and I cringe at the realization that his chest is pressing against my naked back. But the panic quickly dissipates at the innocent words he murmurs against my shoulder.

“My wife is very comfortable,” he says drifting into sleep. “I think I will rest my eyes on this trip. But I’m wide… mm-awake...”



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