Page 58 of Alien From Exile

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“The things I want to do,” he says, eyes flicking over my body. I’ve caught him looking before, but never had the pleasure of seeing him this bold with desire. “It’s getting dangerous in my head.”

“Tell me,” I dare to ask.

He pauses. Is it normal that we’re dragging it out like this, standing still at the edge of the forest? I don’t even care to notice the crowd’s reactions anymore, because all that matters is Mak. Each twitch of his mouth, each little blue lash lining those black eyes—that’s all I see.

“I want to tear your dress off,” he says. “I want to throw you down to the ground and fill you up with this.” He grasps himself, causing my mouth to drop open, as the press of his hand on the loincloth makes the shape of his erection stand out clearly through the fabric. “That’s only a fraction. I shouldn’t tell you this. I shouldn’t tell you that all I can think about is the sweet screams you made when I licked your pearl and made you come on my tongue.”

Blood rushes like the roar of ocean waves in my ears as he utters the next word.




“Run,” he urges me. “You’d better run if you don’t want our plans to fall apart.”

I nearly trip over nothing as I step backward once more. We’re frozen in each other’s gaze for one more heartbeat before the adrenaline kicks in. I whip around and sprint, clutching my silk skirts for dear life.

Maybe it would solve all my problems if I let him catch me right now, I think. The exhilaration is inducing insane thoughts, like the temptation to throw myself on the ground with my skirt up and my legs open. I could throw caution to the wind and let him take me, consequences be damned. There’d be no promise I could stop that train once I boarded it. I’d have to let him sweep me away in the rush of mating fever.

Would there be relief afterwards? Or would I only be inflicting more pain on the both of us?

My mind summons memories of that kiss we shared back when we visited Ta’Nak Annir by ourselves. The way his hungry lips started a fire within me. It felt like hot water was being poured over my head as we devoured each other. Caught up in the moment, I’d clawed at him, surprising myself with my boldness.

Even then he’d stayed restrained, hands held back from me and glued to his seat.

His control over the amma’ka is strong, made more evident by the fact that he hasn’t caught up to me yet. I follow the path we set, jogging at a steady pace to keep from losing my breath.

I glimpse the speeder in the distance, waiting right where we left it. I pause with it in my sights, turning back to check for signs of Mak. It’s a reflex. I agreed not to linger, but I can’t help myself. The sounds of the mate-bonding celebration penetrate the quiet of the forest as a muffled rise and fall of shouts, laughter, and clinking. Soon there will be music and dancing too.

But I hear his soft panting before I can be on my way.

He must not have been able to stop himself from following me, because he sounds very close. I tip-toe towards the sound as if possessed, not even considering whether it’s a good idea or not.

His eyes are closed when I see him, giving me a moment to tuck myself behind a tree.

He’s on his knees, one hand at the base of his cock while he pumps himself vigorously with the other.

My mouth goes dry. I can’t look away.

He bites down on his bottom lip, his tortured expression making my stomach twist. How could a man be so beautiful? That perfect face, twisted up with desperation, could not look more enticing. A little grunt escapes him as he picks up the pace. He’s treating his cock so roughly, but he seems to be getting closer and closer. His hips twitch with the need to hump like a dog in heat.

My breath catches in my throat.

“Francesca…” He whispers my name like a prayer, perking my ears with a tingle that travels along the back of my skull.

I hold my breath as he seems to be reaching a fever pitch. No logical thought could pull me away; I’m enraptured by his oncoming climax, waiting to enjoy it vicariously.

He throws his head back, breathes in deep, and—

Suddenly, every muscle in him freezes. It startles my chest to tighten as his head jerks in my direction with eerie accuracy. I realize at once what gave me away because his nostrils flare like an animal for a split second.

He smells me.

I’m aroused, and he caught my scent on the air.

I don’t bother to hide, and I know making a run for it while he’s in this state might only trigger him into a higher state of amma’ka. So I step into view, revealing my hiding place behind the tree.

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