Page 50 of Alien From Exile

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“Why? So you can smack the old males around for me?”

“Absolutely! You have no idea how much of a bulldog I can be.”

“I don’t know what that is,” I remind her sweetly, enjoying the mental visions of my wife verbally whipping grumpy members of the council.

“Basically, I’ll tell them where they can stick it.”

“Don’t worry; I ignore them. And I’m not going to stop enjoying the perks of my alliance with the Deadheads. They’ve surprised me some very special gifts.”

“Oh? Like what?” She cocks her head.

My stomach drops. I shouldn’t have brought that up.

“This and that. You know how diplomacy goes. That gate up the way looks quite sturdy, but I say we could land the speeder on the top of that tower. The meal we brought will taste better with an amazing view—”

“Hang on,” she interrupts. “That was suspicious.”

“Was it?” I ask innocently, heading back toward the speeder at a casual pace. She’s on my heels, and she won’t let the matter go easily. “Aren’t you hungry? You’ve been searching through dusty houses all morning.”

“Did Kiva give you something?”

I keep walking, debating whether to come up with a lie or not. I don’t want to lie to her, but I’m quite good at lying when I put my mind to it.

“Mak!” she calls at my back. I can picture the pout on her face. “Makiva!”

I freeze, a slight shiver running up my spine. My full name on her lips sounds divine. She jogs around to face me, huffing from speed-walking to match my longer strides.

“Yes, wife?” I bat my lashes at her.

“Since when do we hide things from each other?” she demands.

Would she be angry about other things I’ve hidden? There are the stray messages from her disgusting stalker that were collected from her mailbox on EC-12, the fact that I have no intention of making our heir through technological means, and the many infuriating comments and concerns I’ve received at council about my mate’s species. There’s the burning lust I shove deep, deep beneath an implacably calm demeanor. I hide the nights I spend jerking my cock to the thought of her wet cunt grinding against my mouth. She wouldn’t want to know how often I paint the shower drain with cum, would she?

And she hides things from me too. Like the fact that she has feelings for me.

I’m many things, but I’m not a fool. I see her shy smiles, and the way she glances at me when she thinks I’m not looking. She can be so transparently adoring that I start to hope too hard for more. Maybe that’s why I let it slip about Kiva’s gift.

“What’s that look?” she asks, desperately searching my face. “Is something going on?”

“Don’t start worrying,” I sigh. “It’s nothing serious. I only wish I didn’t mention it because it’ll put you in an awkward position. The last thing I want is to make you stress.”

I reach into my chest pocket and produce the tin.

“These are a special formula that Kiva designed to temporarily stop my tongue from producing the mating saliva, the one that would arouse you if ingested,” I explain. “When I spoke with him about transferring my kali safely to you, I told him I had no desire to give you my saliva. He remembered that and gave this to me when we saw him last.”

She takes it, curiously popping open the box to look at the pills inside.

“You’ve been carrying this around since our first day on the planet?” She doesn’t sound mad, which is a relief. “In case you wanna kiss me?”

I blink at her.

“If you’re ever wondering whether I want to kiss you, let me be clear. I do.”

There’s that shy smile. She carefully shuts the case and hands it back to me.

“I don’t know why you felt the need to be secretive about that,” she says softly. “It’s a pretty amazing discovery. We should give some to Kaye and Raina. I think they’d be thrilled to—”

“I’m not sharing these.” Unbelievable that I was so worried for her reaction and the first thing she has to say is that we should spread the wealth among our friends. “Until he has time to perfect the process, these are precious stock. I’m sure any Kar’Kali couple would enjoy them. But they were given to me.”

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