Page 41 of Alien From Exile

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“I need a moment.”

“Take all the time you need. Are you alright? If you need to stop, say the word.”

“I’m fine,” I insist. “Maybe a bit lightheaded but fine… I should return the favor.”

I stare at the outline of his hard cock, and it seems to stare back at me. The tent of his pants leaves little to the imagination, and there’s a wet spot spreading from the tip.

Why didn’t I anticipate this churning guilt in the pit of my stomach? With a shred more bravery, I’d reach inside his pants and help him. It shouldn’t take long when he’s this horny, and he’s been holding back for so long. Just a few minutes—an act of good will. It’s only fair.

But my throat closes up and swallowing feels like a battle.

“Actually I’m s-sorry, but I can’t reciprocate right now,” I blurt out.

Drunk with lust, he strains against his bonds, attempting to press his nose between my legs.

“There’s no need,” he murmurs. “I can keep pleasuring you endlessly. Let me go a little longer with my tongue.”

“No, I—” Though it pains me to reject him, I turn toward the table where his ikani blade is waiting. I can handle cutting his bonds, at least. It doesn’t matter how close he is with Viro; he’ll be better off dealing with the aftermath of our strange tryst by himself. “We’ve done enough to satisfy the goal.”

“It’s not enough to satisfy me,” he whines softly. “Forget my pleasure. Give me more of yours. I’ll lick you ’til my tongue falls off.”

“I’m going to cut the bonds and let you take care of yourself on your own, okay?”

“Wait!” he cries as I turn to approach the bed with the blade in hand.


“Put the blade in my hand and go,” he tells me. “Don’t cut it yourself. I don’t know what I’ll do.”

“I do,” I say, obeying his wishes even if I think they’re overdramatic. I open his clenched fist and press the blade hand there. “You’ll do nothing. You would never hurt me.”

He’s at a loss for words, but I shouldn’t wait around to hear what he might say to that. It’ll be better if I leave him quickly.

I take one last look—his heaving chest, lips wet with my cum, and those whiteless eyes. He’s dazed by desire, and a touch feral with the way his brows draw together so seriously.

Despite it all, he still looks like an angel to me.



We meet the Deadhead scientist, Kiva, on the floating landing pad they’ve constructed outside the capital city. Any visitors without kali in their body are confined to this area. Here, we’ll find out the results of mine and Francesca’s efforts before she sets foot on the surface. If we discover that our unconventional tryst was all for naught, I don’t know what I’ll do.

Frankie and I haven’t discussed what happened. If I look at the situation objectively, it was an all-around triumph. I had hoped I could give her pleasure, but my confidence on that front was low going in. But in the end, the fact that she orgasmed was unmistakable. I felt it on my tongue, tasted the fruit of my labors gushing from her. The question is… did she even want it? Was it a chore to her? Or worse, a source of regret? I’ve no choice but to broach the topic with her because I’m not the kind of male to leave uncertainty clouding my mind. But Frankie has always been direct with me, so I don’t know how to interpret her silence.

She wears a practical outfit for a day of traveling, giving her a sportier appearance than I’m used to. It suits her well, but the fitted pants and straps pulled tight over her waist and thighs draw my eyes. It’ll be harder to control myself today, especially when the mating beast was so recently let loose.

A staff employed by the Deadheads is running the show here, and they usher Frankie toward a medical unit in a tent where they’ll check her kali levels to confirm she’s cleared to land below.

I thought she might be anxious about it, but she wanders off with the stranger into the med tent without so much as a backward glance.

“You’ll have to introduce your mate to mine one day when things aren’t so hectic,” I say, trying to make some cordial conversation with Kiva.

“Perhaps,” he replies with a thoughtful frown. “But I confess my mate is unfriendly and considers only a select few to be bearable company. All requests for her to attend social functions must be submitted well in advance of the date.”

“And how is your little girl?” I ask. “She must’ve grown a lot since I last met her.”

“You are correct! It is positively fascinating to watch,” he exclaims. “She’s becoming increasingly intelligent. Just the other day, I— Wait, actually, before I get carried away speaking on my exemplary progeny, there was another matter I wanted to bring up.”

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