Page 33 of Alien From Exile

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“I would imagine your kind are already acquainted with the idea that the core of the planet is in a state of emergency response, if you will. To your people, it might even be considered a religious experience of sorts, a protective state in which the kali is destroying that which would destroy it. However, I have been investigating the matter from a scientific perspective, and I believe that this volatile state began on the very day that the attack occurred, brought on by the massive loss of life. You see, the core and all the life forms that carry kali in our bodies on the surface— these two things feed into one another. With a population of warriors constantly being born on the surface, the kali below was accustomed to a certain flow of energy, which at the time was being delicately monitored by the suppression system. I had the incredible experience of seeing for myself the abandoned headquarters for suppression monitoring—”

“Please excuse my rude interruption,” I say. “But could we skip more directly to the matter of my female’s lack of kali and how to remedy that? I don’t have an abundance of time today. Although, I would be thrilled to schedule another meeting with you, to hear more of your findings.”

“Would you?” His face lights up so brightly, I could forget he was a Deadhead at all. “I would be honored. And I personally take a great interest in Archaic history, so I had wondered if I could—”

“I have an entire shelf in my library dedicated to the subject,” I tell him. “If you solve this matter for me and my queen, then you are welcome to borrow the whole collection.”

He fists the air. “You are joking.”

“Not at all.”

“Many had assumed that because mated humans were the only non-Kar’Kali able to survive the surface’s threats, that sexual intercourse was required,” he says. “However, this is not the case! The key lies in the amma’ka state, which I am sure you are familiar with. The heightened levels of kali in the system allow a male to pass the signature of kali into their mate’s system.”

“I was told this. You should know that males are not the only ones capable of reaching the amma’ka state, even if they are far more likely to. But how can this help, when I can’t allow myself to be in her presence while experiencing amma’ka?”

He frowns, chewing on what I’ve said.

“A mere kiss would suffice,” he says. “The fluid produced on the tongue during amma’ka qualifies as a sexual fluid in this case, and it will share kali to her system upon ingestion.”

“I can’t drug her,” I say. “She has…. She’s been through terrible things. I can’t force her to lose control in that way. Do you understand? It must be a near clinical solution.”

“I was getting to that. I will be developing an injectable, but I haven’t come close to a point in that project where injecting your precious mate would be in consideration. I’ve hardly tested, hardly…”

I nod. “On that we agree. I wouldn’t like you experimenting on my queen.”

His face goes dark, and I realize he’s had an idea that he seems reluctant to express.

“What is it?”

“No, I-I’ll have to keep working and get back to you. Only a cycle or so—”

“Tell me what you’re thinking. I’d rather not wait a cycle.”

“My own mate had her past troubles when we first met,” he says. “She did not have happy memories of mating. I once made her tie me up because I did not want to hurt her. She liked being in control of me, I think. Granted, she had ingested the aphrodisiac. But she still ties me up on occasion, if it suits her mood. But what if you had your mate tie you down? There would be no reason for her to fear. She could leave you there, if she felt like it. And if things go well, then all you need to do is share your tongue fluid with her… own fluids.”

I blink. These Deadheads never cease to surprise me. I’d have never allied myself with them if I doubted their trust in the spirit’s bonds. But they keep showing me sides to themselves that I never imagined existed.

“It’s your scientific opinion that I should lick my female’s cunt while I’m tied down?” I let out a laugh, thankful to find some humor in this ill-fated day.

“I am sorry I do not have a better option,” he apologizes. “Trust that it is a goal of mine to make visiting the surface an option for non-Kar’Kali. It is a challenge, but keep in mind that if it were an easier task, the Azza would have achieved it. Then, we might not be here at all.”

I glance around the space that was once built for a bustling team of scientists.

“Owing it to our lack of access to higher education, my kind do not boast many scholars that could assist you,” I say. “But I have a few capable and intelligent Kar’Kali that would be interested in such things and could lend you a hand. Would that bring your plans along faster?”

“That would be incredibly helpful! But… B-but I didn’t do anything for you in return.”

I grin. “I trust that you will soon, won’t you? Have a list drawn up of any materials you lack that you think my kind might possess. As we continue exploring, we will keep an eye out for whatever you might need to be successful. I’ll send the people I promised and the book collection to your encampment.”

The Deadhead scientist is amazed.

“I-I will do just that! This is wonderful!”

Though the curious male holds my interest, we part ways soon after. I’ve had enough bad news and worse sights. All I want now is to look at my mate’s face over a hot meal and listen to whatever she’d like to tell me.



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