Page 22 of Alien From Exile

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This is the first time I’ve seen amma’ka up close.

“It sounds perfect,” Mak says, and I notice his white-knuckle grip on the edge of the couch cushion. “Don’t you agree, my wife?”



I can finally breathe again.

My mate is not only safe and aboard my ship en route to Kar’Kal, but she’s bound herself to me in a marriage contract.

It doesn’t take long to move Frankie’s belongings into the guest room of my quarters. She tells me she only brought a fraction of her things with her, and I assure her that we’ll have the rest shipped to Kar’Kal when we know where our permanent housing will be.

With the ‘pre-nuptial agreement’ nonsense behind us, she is legally my mate. Certain members on the council rejoice over the plans for our mating ceremony, and I let them fuss over the details. It’s helping distract from the few influential players that hold on to unsavory opinions about a human queen taking control of Kar’Kal at my side. But even those gloomy critics can’t ruin my mood now that my Francesca has become my wife.

That human word is growing on me. And I saw the way her lips trembled ever so slightly when I used it on her. I think she likes the sound of it in my mouth, just as I liked the sound of ‘ti kori’ from hers.

For the two remaining days of travel we have left, I walk around with my head in the clouds and end meetings early to see Francesca as soon as possible. I usually find her either waiting for me in my office or in her room, never without her two new shadows—Viro and Nisina. It eases my mind to know she’s with them while I’m at work. All seems right with the world for now as we close ground on our destination.

“Passengers be advised we are arriving imminently.”

The ship slows as we approach. And as the speeding starlight and black smudges disappear, I know I’m not the only one aboard rushing toward a window. There in the distance, I can finally see the ball of light that is Kar’Kal’s sun and Kar’Kal itself.

I grip the railing.

They grow and grow until we’re on top of the planet. It’s a shining blue-gray marble against the black void, swirling with clouds, oceans, and fresh air. I’ve seen it before, back when the Deadheads and I coordinated our effort to take control of the defense weaponry that had lain dormant while the Azza floundered in their invasion. But this moment is different. We’re not here to wage war, we’re here to build a life.

The sound of the door command chiming a new visitor’s arrival startles me. I whip around, reluctant to turn my back on the stunning sight.

It’s Frankie bursting into the room with her cheeks flush from exertion.

“Hey,” she says, eyes bright when she sees me. I’m thunderstruck, moreso by her glistening appearance than I was for the planet. Her gaze slides past me, now noticing the still-growing planet at my back. “Amazing… Sorry I missed the best part. When I heard the announcement, I rushed all the way here from the library.”

She comes to stand at my side, and we both fix our attention on Kar’Kal as the pilot brings us smoothly into orbit around its shimmering atmosphere.

“There’s a window in the library,” I say. “Or did a crowd form there?”

“No, there were only a couple people.”

She leans her elbows on the railing and sighs at the wonder below us. We’re now so close that the planet nearly fills the view, and we can watch the subtle movements of the fluffy white weather as it drifts over the land and sea.

“I thought I should be with you when we got the planet in our sights,” she tells me while shyly keeping her face turned toward the window. “Sorry I was a bit late. Did I ruin a special moment?”

“It’s more special with you here,” I say. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“You look so beautiful there with the light glowing on you—”

Her eyes widen like I’m insane. “I’m sweaty from running here.”

“You look like a goddess.”

“Was that a question?” A little smirk appears, and it seems my cool-headed mate can be wooed with flattery after all.

“Can I take a picture of you, like that?”

She laughs. “Alright.”

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