Page 15 of Alien From Exile

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“I’d love that.”

The ship is oval shaped, with the center acting as a docking space for smaller crafts to lock in. It is built for battle, but it can accommodate a large civilian population, so there are many areas aboard that serve non-military needs. It’s so massive that we must take transport pods from one side of the oval to another. I’ll only need to learn a quarter of the space that comprises the Revenge, because much of the ship is reserved for the warrior’s purposes, from mini decks that launch and land fighter crafts to the storage of ammunitions and shield operations.

Viro shows me the locations he thinks I’ll be using most often—the cafeteria, the guest area’s exercise space, the medical unit, and the public library that includes access to tablets and comm device support. There’s special insider information he passes along to me as well, like the fact that a warrior named Fig sells pastries in Corridor 9 for one interval each morning. Some of the other warriors teach classes or hold clubs throughout the cycle.

I observe the offerings as we linger in the library. All that information and more is posted on the projected nebula of news, maps, and schedules that occupies the center of the room. I must look like a country bumpkin when I step through the spectral arms of the info-cloud with childlike amazement.

Viro doesn’t care at all, and he starts flirting with the library tech manning the help station while I fiddle with the projection to my heart’s content. I wander over to find him when I’m done perusing the space.

“Why is your face turning blue, then?” He’s teasing the warrior, a slight man with that distinctive silver hair that Kaye’s mate has.

My bodyguard is shameless, apparently.

“Because you’re incorrigible,” the shy librarian says in reply, darting an embarrassed glance my way. “C-can I check something out for you, my lady?”

I place the books on the desk and suffer the awkward silence as my presence interrupts their repartee. The librarian’s cheeks are indeed burning blue as he scans my selections. It’s the blush of an unmated Kar’Kali, whose blood has not turned red.

“My lady likes to read,” Viro says when we’re ready to leave. “So I’ll be seeing you soon, I hope.”

“Is this what I’ll have to put up with in perpetuity?” I hiss at him as we exit. “Constant flirting?”

“You should be so lucky. You’d be surprised what doors start opening while you’re opening legs,” he says. “And you’re welcome, for showing you that wonderful library that had you smiling ear to ear.”

“Thanks,” I sigh. Incorrigible, indeed.

“There’s a private library too. Mak can show it to you.” He taps open the doorway out of the library and points across the hall. “Now, the best place to spend time on board is the atrium. Not only is it the perfect place to enjoy fresh air and chase away the spaceship blues, but it’s also something of a forum for the civilians on board. If you’d like some social interaction, it’s the best place to be.”

After spending my recent time wallowing in my house and before that being in a coma, my legs feel about ready to buckle. I wonder how many city blocks I walked while making a circuit of this monstrosity.

We end our tour in the atrium, where there are many Kar’Kali wandering around or eating their midday meals. The atrium has a false sky that illuminates the area from above, but I can barely make it out through the canopy of trees. There’s a map at the entrance displaying just how expansive it is, with vegetable gardens, a lawn for recreation, and a mini forest with walking trails. Chatter and laughter fills the space, and one could imagine we’re not hurtling through space at all.

I remove my glove to touch my warming arm, appreciating the way it truly feels like sunlight.

“Wow, it’s lovely.”

“It’s much more impressive than the tech we have on The Rightful Heir, so people have been raving about how nice it is in here,” he says, glancing at a group of Kar’Kali that are sunbathing on the grass. “I can’t wait to see their faces when they feel the real thing.”

“Are there many people that have never left The Rightful Heir?” I ask. It’s hard to imagine living one’s life never putting feet on solid ground or feeling the kiss of blazing sunlight through the atmosphere.

“Yes, there’s a lot. We’ve guarded our population growth from outsider knowledge to protect them, and an unfortunate sacrifice of that is access to the world outside our hideaway. Of course, there are also many people that have left the Heir, but only to experience Station City. The big, fancy Alliance capitol has so many amazing sights, and a false atmosphere that feels quite real. But ultimately, it’s just another floating illusion.”

“Thanks for the tour,” I say. “I never knew a ship could contain a city’s worth of walking around.”

Viro shrugs, plucking a leaf off the nearest bush and twisting it between his fingers.

“It’s no trouble. It was designed to sustain a small army, so I knew it might overwhelm you if you tried to get anywhere on your own. You’ll need to learn the layout.”

“But we won’t be on the ship for much longer, right?” I ask. “When we departed EC-12, Kalla told me your flight path was just days from arrival on Kar’Kal.”

“That’s true, but that doesn’t mean we’ll be leaving the Revenge any time soon. The populated areas of the planet are a wreck, and since non-Kar’Kali can’t safely land, it’s down to us and the Deadheads to clear spaces for civilian eyes.” His face turns grim. “Dead bodies litter the streets.”

A chill runs through me.

“The Deadheads are already there, and they’re programming some bots to handle the heavy lifting. It’s mentally draining work, but it’s necessary.”

“Shit,” I murmur. “I’m sorry— I-I… don’t know what to say.”

“There’s nothing to say, except the point is that Mak plans to keep our people, especially the civilians aboard, well insulated from those sights. The Revenge will house us a safe distance from the capital city, and between the sworn captains, the council members, and Mak’s team, they’ll begin the task of choosing a settlement location for our people.”

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