Page 94 of Choke Hold

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“Fuck you,” the guy says, slamming his beer down and pushing to his feet.

“No thanks, I get my fuckings from him.” Luca points a thumb over his shoulder at me. “But we can totally help you find a nice man to take home. What’s your type?”

The guy starts to come at Luca, but I step forward to press a hand to his chest, pushing him back.

“Ah, tough fucking homos, huh?” He looks into my eyes with a smirk as he steps closer to me.

One of the other guys laughs. “Maybe not so tough. Looks like someone already put them in their place.”

The guy before us laughs as well as he takes in the cuts and bruises on our faces. “And you didn’t even learn your lesson...”

I hear Mia and Nadia calling to us from the dance floor, but neither of us turn around as we continue to stand off against these idiots.

Until Luca places a hand on my chest and points between them. “Wait a second. I think I know you guys.”

The prick standing before us scoffs. “Like fuck you do.”

“Yeah.” Luca nods. “Ty, doesn’t he look familiar?” He turns his head to me with a smile. “Kinda looks like he’s trying to prey on a tiger.”

“Oh yeah,” I say thoughtfully, observing him. “Thought I recognized him… he’s a d-hole.”

Luca nods seriously. “A definite d-hole.”

“What the fuck did you just call me?” The guy steps closer, but we ignore him.

“And you know what we do with d-holes,” Luca says to me. Then he turns to the guy and tilts his head, looking him up and down. “Especially angry d-holes.”

The guy lifts his fist to punch Luca, but Luca moves faster. He grabs his wrist and hooks his leg behind the asshole’s knee, sending him straight down to the floor and flat on his back. As Luca drops his knee to the guy’s hips to keep him down, he uses his grip on his wrist to pull him into an armlock.

“Fuck! Fuck, ow, get off!” the guy yells as he tries to wiggle out of it, which only causes him more pain as Luca simply holds him there.

“You fucking asshole.” His loudmouth buddy gets up from the table, but I step in his way.

“Oh, you wanna fucking go?” the cocky prick asks. “I’ll give you two black eyes, just like your little fuck buddy over there.”

“Little!?” Luca calls from the floor as he continues to hold his guy down. “Who the fuck are you calling little? I’m taller than you!”

Just as I turn back to face the guy before me, he reaches out to grab the collar of my shirt and lifts his other fist to strike me. But I quickly duck my head, push my shoulder into his belly and wrap my arm around his leg. And when I pull up on his leg, I send him down to the floor with his friend. But he doesn’t let go of my shirt, and it rips open as he goes down.

“Not the baby blue!” Luca yells.

As the guy tries to get back up, I drop to my knees, grab his arm to turn him around and pull him against me in a rear naked choke.

“Fuck!” the guy yells as I pull tight.

“Time for you to learn your fucking lesson,” I say in his ear as I pull even tighter, and he winces as he gasps for air.

Luca’s guy is still screaming, and as I look over at him Luca rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “Such a baby.”

“Watch out, security is coming!” someone yells to us, so Luca and I release the bastards and stand.

I look at the third guy, still sitting at the table, and he just holds up his hands in surrender and shakes his head with wide eyes.

Luca turns to me with a smile as the guys at our feet slowly try to get up. There’s an intense heat in his eyes as he smiles widely. “We should go now, right?”

“Yeah,” I say as I move towards him, purposefully stepping on one of the guys’ hands. “Looks like you need a good fucking.”


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