Page 87 of Choke Hold

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I sigh, choosing to ignore that, and sling my bag over my shoulder. “Come meet me at the gym after. We’ll do a bag workout so you can get your frustration out.”

His eyes travel down my body, stopping at my dick as the corner of his lips tilt up. He steps forward, cupping his hand over my cock in my sweatpants and leans in to brush his lips over mine. “I can think of another way I could get my frustration out.”

“I wouldn’t say no to that,” I murmur against his lips, then pull him closer to kiss him. And with his hand still on my dick, I’m not sure I can wait until later. “What time do you need to be at the restaurant?”

“I’m meeting them there in,” he lifts his wrist to check his watch, then smiles, “thirty minutes. Plenty of time.”

But just as his fingers slip into the waistband of my sweatpants, his phone buzzes.

He groans and pulls it from his pocket, then freezes.

“What?” I ask. “Is it them?”

He looks up at me with a sigh. “Yeah, it’s them. Buzzing in at the front door.”

Panic shoots through me as I look down at his phone and he buzzes them in.

“The fuck? Why are they here?” I ask.

Luca runs his fingers through his hair and frantically looks around his apartment. “It’s a motherfucking ambush.”

“Why are they here?” I ask again, since I have no idea what else to do.

Luca shakes his head, looking annoyed at the whole situation and not nearly as panicked as I feel. “Because I suggested I meet them at the restaurant, so naturally they come here.”

There’s a knock at the door, and I’m both frozen to the spot and ready to jump out the fucking window. I’m not at all ready for this.

Luca blows out a breath, then turns to pull the door open.

“Hi, honey!” Luca’s mom smiles at him and enters the apartment, pulling him into a hug. His dad and sisters file into the apartment behind her, and I wish the floor would swallow me whole.

“Hi, Mom…” Luca says slowly, eyeing her as she releases him from her hug. “What are you guys doing here? I thought we were meeting at the restaurant?”

“Oh please,” she waves a hand in the air and smiles as she watches Luca hug his sisters. “And not see where our son lives? We had to pass right by here to get to the restaurant from our hotel anyway, so we may as well just go together, right?”

But she doesn’t even give Luca time to answer as she turns to face me. “You must be Tyler. I’m Clara, Luca’s mother.”

I nod stiffly, stepping forward as I wipe my sweaty palm on my sweatpants and hold my hand out for her to shake. “Yeah, hi. I’m Ty.”

She takes it, and despite her smile and friendly greeting, her presence is a strong one. And overwhelming.

“Nice to meet you, Tyler,” she says. “We’ve heard much about you over the years.” She steps back, and her eyes linger on the healing cut under my eye and the bruising along my jaw. But her expression quickly changes from assessing back to pleasant as she gestures to the tall man beside her. “This is David, Luca’s father.”

I nod and hold my hand out for him as well. He takes it with a firm shake, his presence equally as daunting even though he hasn’t said anything yet. Even to Luca.

“Pleasure,” he says with a smile that doesn’t meet his eyes.

“And these are my sisters,” Luca says, thankfully interrupting this warm fucking greeting. “Mia and Nadia.”

I turn to face them, and they smile warmly at me. I recognize them from fights back home, and the pictures Luca has of them in the apartment.

“It’s great to finally meet you, rather than just watching you punch my brother in the face,” Luca’s older sister, Mia, says with a chuckle.

Nadia laughs. “Even though he deserves it.”

I smile back at them and chuckle as well. “Can’t argue with that.”

Luca rolls his eyes, but I see a smile tugging at his lips as he looks between me and his sisters. It’s obvious how much he loves them, even from the couple minutes we’ve all been standing here.

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