Page 71 of Choke Hold

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Luca just shrugs. “Fuck him up.”

I sigh and rub a hand over my face.

He huffs out a breath of laughter and sits on the edge of the bed. “Chill. My plan is no different than it already was. I’m still facing a striker, and I’m still a striker. But I’m also a grappler now, and he’s still going to be expecting a striker, but getting a grappler, and he’s–”

“Fucking dirty,” I say, getting to the point.

“I was going to say unprepared, since he hasn’t been able to research me. But that too.” Luca shrugs again. “Have you forgotten that I can be sneaky and quick?”

I shake my head. “That’s not going to be enough.”

Luca sighs and pats the bed beside him. When I don’t move, he glares at me. “Sit down, motherfucker. Before you have a fucking stroke.”

I stay standing for a moment longer, then reluctantly sit beside him.

“Ok,” Luca says. “So, what do I need to do to beat this guy?”

I’m quiet for a moment before I shake my head. How the fuck do I even answer that?

“He takes advantage of every single moment you’re not on,” I say, looking down at my hands in my lap. “And he doesn’t care at all what the ref says or what the rules are. He’s going to do whatever the fuck he wants.”

Luca hums thoughtfully. “So… let him get disqualified and take the win?”

My eyes snap to him. “Because you get injured?”

He sighs. “No.” He shifts so he’s facing me. “But we know him better than he knows me. We know he doesn’t want to go to the ground, because he’s weak as fuck down there.”

I nod, remembering his finger to my eye and his knee to the back of my head, all when I almost had him. “On the ground is where he resorts to cheap shots, because he has no other way out of it.”

“Yeah,” Luca agrees. “So I need to be faster than him.”

“Yeah,” I say. Then I take a deep breath and turn to face him as well. “He’s probably pretty fucking pumped he’s facing a fast striker like you. So yeah, it’s a good idea to bring him down as fast as you can. But once you have him there, you need to take every opportunity away from him, so he never gets you where he wants. You need to always be thinking, be ahead of him at all times, and completely control the fight.”

“While also being quick and reactive to whatever he will be able to throw at me…” Luca says thoughtfully. “Sounds like a blast.”

“You’ll be gassed,” I agree, taking in the slight flicker of worry in his eyes. “But…” I shrug, not really sure what else to add to that.

Luca nods, and his lips tilt up in a lopsided smile. “You care to lend me some of your tiger strength? I need to be fast and deadly if I’m going to take down the ultimate d-hole.”

I chuckle, sliding my hand under his shirt and over the moon and stars tattoo. “You already have it.”

He smiles, leaning forward to press his lips to mine in a surprisingly gentle kiss.

Then he pulls back and grins excitedly. “Mulan time.”

“Ugh,” I groan, and he hops off the bed to grab his laptop.

“Oh, shut the fuck up.” He shoots me a look over his shoulder. “It’s a fighting masterpiece and it’s my tradition before every fight, which means it’s yours now too.”

“Great,” I mutter as I stand up to retrieve our food and coconut water from the desk.

He sits down on the bed as I pass him his pasta, and he smiles slyly at me. “Have you guessed our second movie yet?”

“What do you think?” I ask as I sit beside him and take a drink.

His smile grows wider as he reaches for the laptop and turns it around so I can see the screen.


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