Page 64 of Choke Hold

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“Guys, no,” Max yells. “Just rolling!”

Luca’s elbow finds the side of my head as he angles towards me to escape, and the pain from his blows on me last night only urges me on.

And as I get a foot to the stomach in a forceful kick to keep me from taking guard again, the need to go all out takes over.

“Are you fucking listening?” I hear Max’s voice from somewhere close by, but I don’t care.

I manage a hit to his jaw and a knee to Luca’s side as we continue to roll, and he gets another elbow on me. And even though we’re not hitting with the force we would if we had gloves on… it feels fucking amazing.

Eventually we end up back in mount position with me on top, and my hands on the mat on either side of Luca’s head as I stare down at him. We’re both breathing heavy, as we hold each other’s gaze and the thrill of the fight fuels an intense need in us both.

“Ty, Luca,” Max’s frustrated voice sounds beside us.

But I can’t take my eyes away from Luca’s.

His hand lifts, and he wraps it around the back of my neck. And as I let him pull me down to him, our lips meet and I kiss him with everything I have.

His fingers dig into my back as my hand slides up his side and around his throat, angling his chin back so I can kiss him deeper. I push my hips into him, and his arms wrap around me, holding tight as he rolls us so he’s on top of me now.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Max mutters.

But we don’t stop.

Because I’m fucking celebrating.

And as I hear Rosa’s excited cheer from nearby, I laugh against Luca’s lips.

Then I pull him into an armbar.



I pause as I walk past Mrs. Weatherbee’s office, and my heart picks up its pace as she smiles and gestures for me to come inside. She looks happy… and this may be the only time I’ve ever been excited to be called to the principal’s office.

“Hi.” I smile as I enter her office, and she stands to close the door behind me.

“I won’t keep you long, I know you have a class soon,” she says. “But I just wanted to say your application and interview for the open Phys. Ed. position was well received.” She smiles widely. “And you can expect an official offer for the position in your inbox by the end of the week.”

“Seriously?” I ask, lifting my hands to my head. “Oh wow. Yes, yes, yes! I’ll take it!”

Mrs. Weatherbee laughs with a nod. “Noted. Once you receive the offer and officially accept the position, we’ll get you all sorted out. But for now,” she opens the door again, “let me be the first to officially welcome you to the Westmount Elementary team.”

I could fucking hug her. But I’m pretty sure that’s inappropriate, so I hold out a fist for her to bump instead. Which she does with another laugh.

“Thank you so much,” I say as I step out of her office. “Seriously, I’ve wanted this so bad.”

“Well, you got it.” She chuckles as I fist pump the air. “Have a good class.”

“You know I will!” I point at her with a grin as I turn and head towards the gym, on cloud fucking nine.

I briefly consider running to tell Dan, but I don’t. At least not yet.

There’s someone I want to tell first, before anyone else.

Ty and I have had a fucking fantastic week, and this is just the sprinkles on the fucking cupcake. First we fucked each other up, then he fucked me under the stars, then we’ve had some sick spars in the ring and on the mats… and now, I have a permanent, full-time teaching position at the school I love.

And with Dallas in two weeks, I feel fucking unstoppable.

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