Page 47 of Choke Hold

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As I push the door open and the sunshine hits my face, I’m in a fan-fucking-tastic mood. We had a great day of basketball in Phys. Ed., and now it’s the weekend. I don’t think it can get much better than this.

“Still riding the high from our win last night?” Dan asks with a chuckle as I approach him with a smile. Poor guy is on bus duty today, and the least I can do is stop by for a visit on my way to the parking lot.

“Obviously,” I say, laughing as one of the kids waiting for the bus fakes out a high-five, going for the just as epic low-five instead. “We’re in the perfect position to bring home gold at the end of the season.”

Dan smiles. “Oh yeah.”

“Mr. Mitchell?” One of the boys standing with Dan taps my arm.

“Yeah?” I ask, looking down at Ryland as he stares up at me with a confused expression.

“Why aren’t you here every day?” he asks.

“Because I help Ms. Sandford when she isn’t feeling well and isn’t able to come to school.” I lift my eyes to Dan, and he gives me a little shrug.

Diane, the Phys. Ed. teacher here at Westmount Elementary School, has been taking more and more time off due to her health, and the kids are starting to ask a lot of questions. And as I don’t know what Diane’s plan is for the next bit, I don’t know how to answer these questions. Although, I did hear some rumblings in the break room that she may be taking long-term medical leave. And as much as I don’t want to benefit from someone’s misfortune… I wouldn’t mind being here full time.

“So,” Ryland tilts his head with a thoughtful expression, “can you come more? Because you play monster attack time with us, and Ms. Sanford doesn’t.”

“Yeah! I love monster attack time!” Tarin yells from his spot on the grass near the sidewalk.

Dan cocks an eyebrow at me. “Monster attack time?”

“It’s the best game ever,” one of the other kids, Asher, pipes up. “We play at the end of Phys. Ed. Mr. Mitchell turns into a monster and runs around the gym trying to get anyone who still has a ball. But if you put the ball away, you get to chase and attack the monster before time runs out!”

“Yeah!” Ryland smiles and bounces excitedly. “We jump on him and take him down!”

Dan stares at me in horror and I just smile with a shrug. It motivates them to clean up quickly, and there are some rules, so it isn’t as chaotic as they make it sound. Plus, I can take it. I’m faster than them anyway.

He chuckles, shaking his head in disbelief. “I think Mr. Mitchell is the only teacher who will ever do that.” He then glances around and lowers his voice. “And Mr. Mitchell may want to consider letting the principal know if he wants to be here more, should full-time monster duties become available. Like… by next week.” He gives me a pointed look, and I smile. Looks like the rumblings are true. Having a bestie at the school full time has its perks.

I nod. “Mr. Mitchell will definitely do that.”

He winces. “Can we stop talking about you in third person now?”

“I guess so.” I shrug.

The bus pulls up, and Dan shifts back into work mode, giving me a salute as he starts wrangling kids onto the bus. And just as I turn to leave, I come face to face with Isabelle.

She looks up at me with wide eyes and backs up a step, blushing. “Sorry, I…” She looks around for an escape, and I chuckle.

“It’s ok.” I smile at her, and she blushes again.

And I can’t help but feel a bit bad for her. First it took me months to learn her name wasn’t actually Mary-Megan, and then she was shut down pretty fucking hard when she was trying to flirt with me, and Ty shoved his tongue down my throat to shut her up. I don’t blame her for feeling uncomfy around me. I would be too.

And now I’m getting all hot and bothered thinking about Ty claiming me in front of her, and then again the other night with the taco flirting fiasco…

Isabelle gives me a weird look, and I snap back to reality. Oh no. I’m sending mixed messages to the pretty but overbearing and embarrassed girl before me as I smile at her while thinking of my hot jealous man.

“Gotta go,” I say a bit too loudly, and duck around her to head to the parking lot.

The awkwardness will have to be addressed if I do end up here full time, but not right now. Because it’s a beautiful day, my Jeep windows are rolled down, and “Save Tonight” by Eagle-Eye Cherry is blaring. Nothing is going to get my mood down today.

And this day gets even better when I arrive at the gym and see Noah and Adão already here.

“Hey, man.” Adão smiles at me as I enter the locker room. “How’s it going?”

“Fantastic.” I drop my bag on the bench and pull my locker door open. “It’s a great day.”

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