Page 34 of Choke Hold

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“My opponent is expecting a grappler.”

He holds his hands out with a shake of his head. “Are we stating fight facts? There will be an audience, a referee in the cage–”

“You said I drop my defense and try to control the fight,” I continue, “which I can’t do well with a heavy striker. So, I need to fight with the mindset of a defensive striker. You are fighting a striker who uses a defensive fight to his advantage, limiting your opportunities for attack.”

A slow smile spreads across his face as realization dawns on him.

“Take him by surprise,” I say. “Be a grappler.”

Luca chuckles. “Well, here we go again. Now that’s how we fuck up some d-holes.”


As the door to my apartment closes behind me, I drop my bag to the floor and throw my hoodie over a chair. And I take a moment to just bask in this feeling of… relief. We made progress tonight. That fucker is going to be taking hits in no time.

And now I have a plan too. It’s always been my goal to become a complete fighter by strengthening my grappling, which is one of the main reasons I wanted to come to this gym. And Ty is right. I’m facing a striker, so it would be easy and expected to go in ready for a stand-up fight. But why not go in thinking more like a grappler. It’s his greatest weakness. And it used to be mine.

Until Tyler fucking Roscoe.

I chuckle to myself as I drop onto the couch. What a mind fuck. Just months ago I could barely look at the guy without wanting to punch his perfect teeth in, and now I’m putting my trust in him to alter my training and fight style for a very important fight, with a massive opportunity waiting at the end of it.

My phone buzzes in the pocket of my sweatpants, and I pull it out, confused. Ty went home to grab clothes, since for some reason he doesn’t want to borrow any of mine, so there’s no way he’s here and buzzing into the building yet.

But a smile takes over as my sister’s name lights up my screen with a text.


Hey bud. Just on break at work and checking in… Dad mentioned he tried to get in touch with you today, and you’ve been quiet recently.

Well, there goes my smile. I was this close to forgetting about Dad’s text to me this evening.

Get in touch with me? Or ask me when I’m ready to start taking my life seriously and stop shutting them out when they’re trying to “help” me? That, along with Mom breathing down my neck to discuss this when they come out here, is not exactly inspiring conversation.

I drop my phone to my chest with a sigh. Fuck. No matter how hard I try to just forget all of this and focus on the fight, they keep weaseling their way back in. Even reluctantly agreeing with Mom to talk it all out when they come out here isn’t enough, and she keeps trying to send me information on teaching at that god awful private school, Browning. Apparently talking about it means agreeing with her, not hearing me out. Give an inch and she’ll take the whole ruler. Or measuring tape… whatever the fuck it is, she has it.

Ugh. Fuck this. I know just what I need right now for some much needed comfort.

The Last Unicorn.

I grab the remote, turn the TV on and quickly find my favorite movie. And as our beautiful hero unicorn appears on the screen, she soothes my frustrated soul.

My phone buzzes again on my chest, and I tear my eyes away from the TV to read Mia’s text.

I’m sorry, Luca. I was hoping they would come around to your plan when they saw how successful you can be in MMA. But they still can. And if it’s any help, I actually just registered to attend the conference as well. So I’m looking forward to seeing you, and hopefully officially meeting Ty now that you won’t be beating each other up in a cage haha

My smile returns as excitement rushes in. Having her here will definitely help lessen the blow, and she’s always been an excellent backup when facing my parents.

Best fucking news ever. And can’t guarantee a fight with Ty won’t still happen, but chances are less now.

Not sure this is a relationship I’ll ever understand, but if you’re happy, I’m happy lol.

I have to get back to work, but I’ll give you a call next week. Love you!

Love you too *heart emoji*

I drop my phone to my chest again and bring my attention back to the movie. A magical unicorn embarking on a quest, facing evil forces to save herself and her kind.

Now that’s the strength I need.

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