Page 22 of Choke Hold

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As he fills me in on the game, his happiness and excitement pushes my darkness aside and we end up talking all things hockey for the rest of recess while continuing to meet the demands of Grayson, Keegan and Matilda. And as I head back into the school to get the gym ready for my next class, I feel much better.

Until my phone buzzes again.

And as much as I’d like to avoid it, I know I can’t. Reluctantly, I pull it out, ready for a scolding from Mom about how I need to be a good little son and accept their ‘help’.


Dad and I are coming to St. Louis next month for the Medical Education Conference. We’re looking forward to seeing you, and would love to meet this boy that’s become so important to you. Let’s go for dinner, and we can finally have a good talk about everything so we can meet each other partway. We just want the best for you, and we would hate to see you throw away some wonderful opportunities only to regret it later on.

Well, fuck.

That almost sounds sincere. Looks like they’re trying a new approach.

But she does have one thing right. I can’t keep putting this off. I need to make them see that this is my life, my choice, and they don’t have a say.

Dan said it best… it’s time for them to let go.

And soon, they are going to be here… in my happy place. Infiltrating my peace and attempting to break down what I’ve built for myself.

I’m going to need to stop at the store tonight. I’ve got some serious baking to do.


The delicious smell of freshly baked peanut butter chocolate chip cookies fills my Jeep, and I kick myself for not trying one fresh out of the oven. But I can be patient and try them with everyone else when I get to the gym… I think…

As I pull into the gym parking lot, I eye them on the passenger seat, looking and smelling like fucking perfection. And now I’m torn. I was thinking I’d wait for Ty before going in, since he’ll be here any moment now. But sitting here with these beauties is going to be a problem.

Fuck it. The cookies win.

Just as I grab them and hop out of my Jeep, ready to head inside and chow down, Ty pulls into the parking lot.

Oh, bittersweet torture.

But that torture turns a little sweeter as he gets out of his car and reaches into the back seat to retrieve his bag, giving me a perfect view of his ass in his grease-stained work pants.

He slings his bag over his shoulder as he walks my way, eyeing me curiously. “You’re just getting here?”

“Yeah,” I nod, “had a little date with the oven.”

His eyes drop to the plate of cookies in my hand, then back up to meet mine with a questioning look.

“Celebration cookies to welcome you back to the ring.” I lift the plate with a smile. “I gave you your treat this weekend, but you can’t exactly share that with everyone else, you know?” When he doesn’t react, I narrow my eyes at him. “You do know that, right? We are the single treat type.”

Ty just stares back at me, his brows drawing together. “What?”

I shrug as it doesn’t really matter since I know I’m right, and hold the plate out to him. “Cookie?”

He huffs out a breath with a shake of his head, pushing past me towards the gym entrance. With a chuckle, I fall into step beside him. Yeah, I entered stress-bake mode today, but it did what I needed it to. Dallas is in five weeks, and that’s where my focus needs to be. I baked out all the stress, and I won’t be filling mine, or Ty’s, head with any of my parents' bullshit. I’ll deal with them when we win this fight.

“Oh yes, thank you.” I nod. “I did have a nice day. Played some Mr. Wolf, set up some epic obstacle courses, flexed my swing pushing muscles…”

“Sounds difficult,” Ty mutters.

“Tyler.” I shake my head. “Remember that fun we talked about, and have been working so hard on getting you to understand? That’s what I had today. Work shouldn’t be difficult, you should enjoy what you do.” I turn to face him as we reach the gym entrance. “Why, was your day difficult?”

“No.” He side steps around me to reach for the door.

“Wow.” I hold my hand up. “Reel it in. I can only take in so much information at one time.”

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