Page 102 of Choke Hold

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Ty shakes his head and starts towards the gym entrance.

I catch up and walk beside him. “So,” I smile, “hear back from your landlord?”

He nods. “Yeah. He found someone to take over my lease starting next month.”

I smack his arm and he glares at me.

“What, you just weren’t going to tell me?” I ask, in shock that he would keep this from me for so long.

He stares back at me. “I just heard from him like an hour ago, and we’ve been here for less than a minute.”

“Tyler,” I sigh. “That is the first thing you should tell me.”

He takes a deep breath in and slowly blows it out.

“So,” I smile at him, choosing to let this one go, “we getting your stuff this weekend then?”

He pauses at the gym door and looks at me with a nod. “Yeah.”

I scoff. “Way to sound excited.” Then I smile again. “Ty Roscoe… a deadly Tiger, cohabitating with the most deadly predator out there…”

Ty yanks the door open and rolls his eyes, heading into the gym.

I follow him with a chuckle. “And I’m excited, because I don’t know how much longer I can wait to see this fancy shirt I keep hearing so much about.”

He looks over his shoulder at me. “The one I mentioned once, and that you won’t shut up about?”

“That’s the one.” I nod. “Do you even know how many fantasies I’ve had about you fucking me while wearing it?” I give a nod and wave to Adão who looks between us with wide eyes as we pass him on our way to the locker room. “A lot. Because we didn’t get to do it with the baby blue, and trust me… if you came to bed wearing tiger boxers and a baby blue button-up, I would go feral. Absolutely fucking feral.”

We reach the locker room door, but I gasp and reach out to grab him before he can push it open.

“Oh my god…” I stare at him in shock. “Is it… is it baby blue? Is this why you’re holding out on me? Have you just been edging me this whole time?”

He furrows his brow at me. “Of course it’s fucking not. It’s–”

“Black,” we both say at the same time.

I sigh in disappointment. “Of course it is.”

Ty turns to push the door open, but before he does, his eyes linger on the mats. And I can already see the wheels turning as he runs through his training plan for tonight in his head.

We’ve come a long way together, and Ty especially has had some epic growth. But there are some things that will always remain. He’s laser-focused, determined, an over thinker and planner, uptight, and fucking stubborn. But all these things I once hated about him, are now why I love him. They make him an excellent MMA fighter, an attentive and supportive boyfriend, and a great friend to everyone in this gym.

As I follow him into the locker room, I smile. We’re headed into the biggest fight of our lives, and I know he’s deep in his head. I wouldn’t expect anything else. But we’re not going to lose sight of everything we’ve worked on to get here. We’re still going to have some fun, celebrate the progress we’ve made, and enjoy this wild ride. Together.


I land on my back on the mat, and Rosa immediately moves over my hip, blocking it so she can take side control. But I stop her by getting my hook in behind her knee, and block her shoulder by bringing my arm over it.

“Head control!” Max yells from the side of the mat, but I’m already there.

With my arm over her shoulder, I pull her upper body down towards me so I can try to free my hip. She gets a grip on my outer arm, but I don’t let her pull it into my midline. Because if she does, she then has control of both my hip and arm and I’ll be fucked. I push against her just enough so I can try to slip my other arm between us, but she effectively blocks that as well by ducking under my arm and keeping it outside.

Fuck. I knew rolling with Rosa would force me to fight defensively, but… damn. I check that moment in my head, knowing that during my fight with Jordan Mullen he will be doing exactly this. Coming in hard to control the fight on the ground and forcing me onto my defense. But I can strike just as hard down here, and that was an open opportunity for a body shot.

As Rosa’s head is still down, I use the arm that she blocked to push off the mat and set up a sweep. She attempts to gain control of my other arm as I push myself up into sitting, but when she misses it, she shifts to wrap her arm behind my neck in an attempt to put me in a hold.

And there’s another perfect set up for a hit to the ribs, as they’re left open right before me. If it was Mullen, I could strike, likely getting him off my hip so I could sweep, and move into side control.

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