Page 33 of Silver Splendor

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“I can’t believe you’re here,” I murmured against her mane, the relief of holding her once again seeped into my very marrow. Her grip tightened as if she could anchor herself to this moment, to this feeling —to me.

She eased away, her eyes searching mine. "I had to see for myself that you weren’t hurt in the fighting,” she said, her hands moving over me with practiced concern, checking for injuries unseen.

Her tender touches sparked a primal craving deep within me, stirring a raw hunger as my cock hardened, straining against the confines of my loincloth. Before things became too obvious, I caught her hands in mine to still her movements.

“I’m unharmed.” With a heart lightened by her presence, I led her away from the clearing, and into the heart of the Trisess Forest. “Let me show you the land of my birth.”

"I can’t wait," Sarah replied with a sparkle in her eyes as we walked the main path, hand in hand. “So, where’s your house?”

“Down a little farther and just off the main path,” I replied, wondering at the searing swirl her essence had suddenly taken.

"Will you show me?" she asked, her voice breathy and labored.

“Are you unwell?” I stopped to touch her fevered cheek, peering into her glassy gaze. I had seen her in this state before just before I’d dipped my head between her lush thighs.

“Fine.” She moved my hand away and tugged to get me moving. “I’m just anxious to get you alone.”

“Alone?” I dug in my heels. Not that I didn’t crave the taste of her lush sex, but it had taken every ounce of self-control not to ravage her afterward. The surprise of seeing her had heated my blood to boiling. I wasn’t sure if I could trust myself not to claim her. “Maybe we should walk a bit first.”

Sarah stepped into me, her arms wrapping around my waist as her soft curves molded to my hard frame. Then she said the most beautiful words I had ever heard, “I don’t want to walk, I want to claim you as mine.”

Her delighted squeal echoed through the forest as I slung her over my shoulder and ran for my home. I boarded the lift and spun the wheel, the pulley system whining with the speed at which the lift ascended.

Once we reached the top, I began to grow concerned she wasn’t sure what she was asking. I stepped off the lift and carefully placed at her on her feet. “If we do this, our life essence will coalesce, and we will be bound together forever. Are you certain this is what you want?”

I held my breath as she turned and wandered inside to stand at the edge of the bed. Her gaze never left mine as she pulled the ties at her shoulders and let her kiltus-dress puddle around her feet. Wearing nothing more than a naughty grin and soft-soled, knee-high boots, she beckoned me with a curl of her finger.

Chapter Nineteen


What I wanted? I had been unsure of what I wanted when we left Huren, but once I clapped eyes on Gunnox, I knew. My thoughts untangled and cleared, weaving a tapestry of desire and determination. Gunnox's spirit, fierce and unyielding, had ignited something within me, a fire I could no longer ignore.

I burned to have him inside me. To feel his thick length lay claim to my sodden flesh. His breechcloth strained against his arousal, barely containing the throbbing length that I was desperate to feel inside me.

"Earth is my past," I whispered to him, "but you... my silver splendor, are my future.”

“And here I thought I had already heard the most beautiful words to ever leave your lips.” Gunnox sauntered forward, the primal rumble resonating from his chest transforming into a deep, reverberating purr. His erotic thrumming serenaded my soul as much as set my dripping sex ablaze.

I was his prey, ripe for the taking, and I burned with desire to be devoured. My body quivered as he prowled around me, teasing my skin with his fingertips. Goosebumps erupted across my body as he stood before me, his fiery gaze consuming my breasts. His heated stare hardened my nipples to stone as he licked one fang and then took one into his mouth to suckle, followed by the other. A strong hand settled at the small of my back, holding me in place as I moaned, unable to resist him even if I wanted to.

Gunnox released me and ran a hand from my collarbone down to my throat, gathering my hair in his fist and pulling it to one side. He lowered his head and gently scraped his fangs against the sensitive skin of my throat, eliciting a desperate arch of my back.

"Your scent is intoxicating," he growled into my ear before moving behind me.

His hands trailed down my arms. I tilted my head back to rest on his shoulder and leaned against his muscular frame. “Are you ever going to touch me?” I groaned, the ache between my thighs unbearable.

"I am touching you.” His tone was an erotic tease as firm lips pressed against my throat.

“You know what I mean,” I whined, wriggling my backside into his groin.

Gunnox hissed and groaned. “Maybe you should show me where it is I’m to touch you.”

The teasing tone in his voice only fueled my fire. Without hesitation, I guided his hand to my breast and the other between my thighs, widening my stance and encouraging him to explore every inch of me as I shamelessly ground my pussy against his palm.

“Are you certain I am what you want?” His question sent a jolt through my body as his thick finger thrust into me, eliciting a raw cry of pleasure.

“Yes,” I gasped, instinctively rolling my hips to match his slow, deliberate rhythm, building my arousal to dizzying heights.

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