Page 25 of Silver Splendor

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My hands curled into the pelt beneath me and I held onto the sharp edge of release for as long as I could, wanting to prolong the moment, but my inner walls gave way to the soul-splintering orgasm and the world erupted in a shower of sparks.

“Thank you,” I mumbled as I drifted down from my blissful high.

I wasn’t sure if I had thanked him for the mind-blowing orgasm or for allowing me the time to make my choice. After what we had just shared, I wasn’t so sure earth was where I belonged.

Chapter Fourteen


Iwas deep in the throes of a rare, undisturbed slumber when the pounding came — a relentless barrage against the door to my room inside the palace. My eyes snapped open, silver irises catching the faintest glint of moonlight seeping through the curtains. I rolled out of bed, my muscles tensing as I marched toward the unwelcome disruption.

"Fucking Helios, this had better be good," I muttered under my breath, ready to unleash a torrent of curses upon whoever dared to?—

"Gunnox! Open up!"

Drekkor's grave tone cut through my irritation faster than Valosian steel. I disengaged the locks and swung the door wide. The sight of Drekkor's hardened visage was shadowed by urgency, twisting a knot of apprehension deep within me.

"What’s happened?" I demanded, voice low, bracing for the storm his words would bring.

"A Nuttaki horde is massing at the edge of the Sein River,” he growled. “Truxxet and Synnox were there setting up the wetlock sky alert for our return when they spotted the horde moving in from the west.”

“They can’t cross the rapids, Drekkor.” I relaxed only a little curious as to why a seasoned warrior like Drekkor was alarmed over nothing on consequence.

“Sia Tikkot told me of the last skirmish that occurred during our absence. The Nuttaki had crafted makeshift bridges. If they manage to cross, the Trisess Forest will soon be overrun.”

My blood ran cold. Insectoids had never been known for their crafting skills. No doubt, knowledge imparted by the Gretolics. Those little gray freaks had entrenched themselves in every clan using our animosity for each other to succeed. Even a faction within the Nuttaki horde had aided the gray aliens. My expression hardened, jaw clenching as I processed the gravity of his words.

The Nuttaki would strip the land of every resource and leave nothing in their wake. If they weren’t stopped, the forest of Trisess would be laid to waste.

“When do we leave?”

“Soon. Get your spear,” Drekkor ordered. “Warriors are gathering on the training field at Sia Tikkot’s command. We’re to fly there in every operational craft.”

Without another word, I turned on my heel leaving Drekkor at the open door. Time had always been the true enemy, slipping away like sand through clenched fingers. While I was away fighting the Nuttaki, each passing hur was a treasure stolen, moments lost that could never be retrieved with my female. Her time on Valose was fleeting. Upon Ruze and Tyrk’s return, she would be gone.

As I swept through my quarters, grabbing my spear and twin daggers, I felt as though I had stepped into the past. Not that Sarah was dying from an alien germ, but I was losing her all the same. I’d hoped she would change her mind and stay, to take me as her mate, but her spirit cried out for her world louder than it did for my hearts.

Adrenalyne pulsed within me, a raging torrent of strength and focus as I rejoined Drekkor. Together, we marched the length of the opulent hall, energy humming within my bones as we boarded the lift and impatiently waited for it to deliver us to the bottom floor.

“Did you ever think we would be living inside the palace at Huren?” Drekkor scanned the interior of the luxurious lift.

“Before the Gretolics, the only dream I had about the city of Huren was breaching the dome and taking over their hunting grounds,” I stated wryly.

As the lift doors parted with a soft hiss, I froze. Breath caught in my chest. There, bathed in the ethereal glow of the crylite chandelier, amid the bustling commotion of the foyer, stood Sarah —the very embodiment of my deepest longings and the pounding rhythm of my ancillary heart.

"Sarah," I murmured. Her piercing blue eyes, always so full of fire, now mirrored the dread that clenched my hearts.

My lift companion forgotten pushed past me and into the foyer, but not before leaving me with a parting comment. “You don’t have much time,” Drekkor warned and rushed out the main entrance.

"Gunnox, what's happening?" Sarah asked, her tone laced with concern.

"The Nuttaki are attacking the Trisess Forest," I said, the words tasting like ash on my tongue. "I must leave now."

Her hand reached for mine, the warmth of her touch a stark contrast to the cold resolve settling over me. "Try not to do anything too terribly brave.”

“You know me.”

“I do.” Tears collected in her eyes as she scanned my face, no doubt recalling the punishment I endured on her behalf. “Please be careful and come back in one piece.”

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