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“What the hell are you doing here?” Jude asks.

“Dad needed more wood. I make deliveries now.” Emmett squeezes Jude’s shoulders before Jude slides out of his grip. “Looking good, Mrs. Wilkins.” He kisses my mom on the cheek.

“Sit down, Emmett. I’ll make you a sandwich,” Mom says. She’s always had a soft spot for Emmett. Probably because he was a baby when their mom died, and Mom always gave him extra hugs and kisses since she knew he’d never remember Mrs. Noughton.

“I’m doing the maze,” Jude says with a tone that brokers no argument.

“Come on, bossman, time to hand over the reins.” Emmett leans back on his chair, teetering on the two back legs.

“I’ve already sketched it out.”

Bruce and Emmett raise their eyebrows at each other, though I don’t know why. Jude is the hardest working guy I know.

“Fine. You can do the maze, you baby,” Emmett says with an eye roll.

“If you run yourself too thin—” I start.

“I won’t,” Jude says, looking at me. “You could ride with me and keep me company.”

As if I’d ever say no to spending a day with Jude.

“No, no, no. No one wants to see your naked asses in the tractor.” Emmett waves his hands. “Who will disinfect it when you’re done?”

“That job goes to the low man on the ladder—you.” Jude laughs.

Even Bruce stares at Jude as if he doesn’t recognize him. Usually, Jude would just tell Emmett to fuck off.

My mom brings my sandwich but sees I already have one since Jude gave me his. She bends and kisses his cheek, putting the sandwich in front of him.

“Where’s my lovin’?” Emmett asks.

My mom shoos him with her hand. “You’re not why my daughter looks like she’s flying high on helium.” She runs her hand down my hair before going back to prepare more sandwiches, because we both know one isn’t enough for these boys.

I stand, grab some more eggs, and take them over for my mom. “You sit, I’ll finish.”

She pats my hand. “Thank you.”

“Don’t forget we’ve got softball on Thursday,” Emmett says. “Rumor has it Walker is going to scout the team we’re playing. They’re new this year. Horse Haven. They take in old racehorses. Non-profit.”

It always amazes me how much Emmett can seem like a goof, but the research he does on the rival ranches’ softball teams is always impressive. Especially when you consider that if you win the season, all you get is a trophy.

Jude stands and meets me at the counter. “You go eat.” His hand wraps around my waist, his mouth so close to my ear that I wish we were alone again.

“It will go faster together.” I smile at him, but my gaze snags on the table.

Three sets of eyes are all concentrated on us.

Mom’s got a goofy smile.

Bruce has a satisfied grin.

And Emmett’s eyebrows are furrowed.

I’m sure they don’t all believe that our marriage was for love. Jude has never acted like this with me before. This means we were probably doing a poor job of convincing people. Now things are different, but at some point, do people need to know that we got into this marriage to secure a loan?

Have we confused things with the newfound relationship we slipped into last night? Do I even care? We’re married but haven’t even had a real date. Just when I get what I want, I get it with complications I’m not sure how to unknot.

Chapter Twenty-Three

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