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“Let’s just not talk about Brooks.” She finger-combs my curls, and they turn out just as I wanted. They wouldn’t have looked as beautiful if I’d done them myself.

“Thank you, my hair looks perfect.”

“It only looks good because you’re gorgeous. Let’s get you in your dress.” She slips the dress off the hanger. “It’s a beautiful dress, Sadie.”

“It is… I think I just always had this dream of trying on gowns with you and my mom and whoever else. But I do love this one.”

I tried it on a few days ago in my cottage in front of my long mirror, and the fit was perfect.

I take off my robe and step into the dress. The top is lace with more of a dip than I thought I’d like, and the skirt doesn’t poof out, but there are layers, and it’s loosely pleated, falling down my legs.

After Lottie zips me up, a knock sounds on the door. Lottie goes over to open it.

“Delivery,” Ben says and winks at me, handing Lottie a note and a bouquet of flowers wrapped in paper.

“He got her flowers?” Lottie asks skeptically, since it’s not very Jude-like.

“Sure did. I’m rubbing off on him. See you in a bit.”

Ben disappears down the hall, and Lottie comes over, handing me the flowers. “Figures Jude doesn’t do roses.”

No, he didn’t. He did something so much better, and all those nerves that told me to seek him out in the groom’s room to shut down this marriage of convenience dissipate.

“They’re wildflowers,” I whisper.


I shake my head, tears welling in my eyes again. “I used to pick wildflowers for my bouquet when I made Emmett marry me.”

She laughs. “I forgot about that. I just remember that ratty old white dress your mom bought you at the second-hand store that you wore for an entire year.”

I smile at the flowers. “It wasn’t a year.”

“Are you sure?” She uses the hairspray in her hair, staring in the mirror. “Want some privacy to read the letter?”

“Would you mind?” I pick up the envelope with my name scribbled across the front in Jude’s messy handwriting.

“Not at all. I’ll be outside when you’re ready.”

I grab the letter and slide my finger along the seam. It’s a short note, scribbled in the same handwriting as the envelope.


Sadly for you, you’re getting me today instead of Emmett.

There are a lot of emotions today, and I’m sure you’re second-guessing what we’re doing. But I hope this note will calm you. It’s me, Jude, your best friend, you’re marrying today. I hope I’ve been there for you as many times as you have been for me. What we’re embarking on is scary, but it’s us. Me and you. We’ve got this. There’s no reason to be scared because I’ll always catch you. Never doubt that. Always.



I fold up the letter and tuck it back in the envelope, then slide it into my purse so no one else finds it. He’s right. It’s us, and we’ve gotten through a lot over the years. He’s always been there to pick me up when I fall, and I’ve done the same for him. I have nothing to fear.

I step out of the hallway and find Lottie talking to my mom.

“Lottie said you needed some time alone.” My mom steps up to me, her hand cradling my cheek. “You make a beautiful bride.”

“Thank you, Mom. Ready to give me away?”

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