Page 77 of What We Hide

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He was trying to scare her, and he was doing a good job of it. Every minute away from her nephew terrified her, and it was hard to think through the fear. “Could I see the video your camera took? Maybe I’ll recognize them.”

“I told you—they wore ski masks.”

“I might recognize their clothing or their builds. Something might be familiar.”

“You’re wasting time, Savannah. The clock is ticking on Simon’s life.”

“I think you know more than you’re saying, Beckett. Why won’t you let me watch the video? Unless there’s something you don’t want me to see.”

His eyes glittered, and his mouth flattened. He took a step toward her, and his phone rang. His scowl deepened as he answered it. He walked a few feet away and said, “Go.”

He was too far away for her to hear what the caller was saying, but Beckett gripped the phone tightly enough that his fingers went white. He gritted his teeth and swiped off the phone before starting toward her.

She backed away and glanced around for a weapon. Nothing was handy in the living room.

He clenched his fists and turned to glare at her. “I told you these guys were dangerous, but you didn’t listen. I told you to come alone, and again, you didn’t listen. Now you’ll have to pay the consequences.”

Her mouth went dry. Did they see Hez parked nearby? “What do you mean? I’m here alone.”

“You are now. They grabbed Hez too. And you’re next.”

Feet pounded toward her from behind, and she whirled to spot two men rushing her from the doorway into the kitchen. Her gaze went to the guns in their hands, and she began to back away. Beckett grabbed her by the shoulders, and one of the men yanked a black hood down over her head before marching her into the night.

Chapter 37

Hez opened his eyes. He was lying on his back staring up. The moon peered down on him through a gap in scudding clouds. A cold wind blew drizzle into his face, and he shivered.

He started to sit up, but his vision swam and he felt like someone just drove a spike into the left side of his skull. He groaned and sank back to the ground.

Then it all came back to him: following Savannah over to Beckett’s house, parking around the corner, straining to hear their conversation. He’d been so focused on his phone that he hadn’t noticed anything wrong until someone jerked open his car door and yanked him out. Before he could reach for his gun, something slammed into the side of his head and everything went black.

Where was he—and where was Savannah? Fear sent his heart racing. He sat up again, moving more carefully. He was in an overgrown graveyard, sitting on a grave. The tombstone identified the occupant as Andre Legare (1905–1983). So he was in the Legare family cemetery. Why?

Hez got to his feet and tested his limbs. He was stiff and chilled to the bone from the rain, but he found no injuries other than an enormous lump on the left side of his head. He wasn’t bound and no one else was in sight. His captors had apparently just dumped him on Andre Legare’s grave. Again, why?

Someone moaned in the grass to his right. He staggered over and saw a woman struggling to get up with a cord binding her wrists. An ornate marble tombstone loomed over her, and a black hood concealed her face.

He pulled off the hood and damp auburn hair spilled out. “Savannah! Are you all right?” He saw no sign of Simon as he knelt to untie her. His head pounded so hard he fought nausea.

“I—I think so.” She looked up at him with unfocused eyes. Then she seemed to come fully awake. Her eyes went wide. “Hez! What happened? And where’s Simon?” Her voice shook and she glanced around wildly.

“I don’t see him, but when you can stand, we’ll search for him.” He hugged her tight. “Thank God you’re okay!”

She hugged him back, burying her face in his chest. They said nothing for a moment, drawing comfort from each other’s embrace. How long had it been since she’d clung to him like that?

“I thought they were going to kill both of us,” she whispered. She lifted her head. “Why did they leave us here?”

He hated to let go of her, but he helped her to her feet. “I was about to ask you the same thing. The last thing I remember is someone knocking me out on the street near Beckett’s house.”

“I think they got me right after you.” She started to shiver. “D-did you get the evidence you need?”

To his surprise his phone was still in his pocket. He pulled it out and checked it. A welcome screen came up, and he stared at it, trying to think past the pain in his head. “It’s been completely wiped and returned to factory settings.”

She took out her phone—and it also had been wiped. Her hands shook, so he took off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. The smile she gave him warmed him to the tips of his toes, despite the wet November chill. “Thank you.”

He put an arm around her and she leaned her head against his chest. “Let’s get out of here and find Simon. We need to figure out our next move, which we can’t really do standing in the middle of a cemetery.”

She nodded and cupped her hands around her mouth. “Simon!” The only answer was the startled flutter of birds’ wings. “I can’t bear to think what could be happening to him. He must be terrified.” Her voice wobbled.

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