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All the Raeths had been. After the heat, the clans had locked up tight. Though Ava had heard relatively little on that front, she assumed that between Raeth pregnancies and all the clanless joining existing clans in massive numbers, very few sovereigns had time or energy to expend on other matters. Even Nina, the arbitrator for the Peace Accords delegation, had gone silent.

It was one of the reasons they’d held off on making decisions on what to do with the St. Louis facility for so long. They hadn’t wanted to overstep and risk backlash from the dual sovereigns.

“My deepest apologies, Cortana. May your lives together be surrounded by an abundance of good food and good company.”

“I wouldn’t count you as good company,” Ava muttered, recentering herself. “Aidan stopped by earlier, and I’ve been informed you’re up to date on what we’re planning for the other packs. We can discuss our HVAC mission after we successfully complete the St. Louis recon—assuming you’re capable of that.”

He chuckled, then asked, “Why do you hate us so, Blondie? Is it all Raethkind or just me?”

She held his stare, unmoved by his question, because revealing the truth would open a door she’d rather stay closed. When she didn’t immediately respond, Remmus took it as his cue to lob speculation over the wall.

“Lemme guess. A Raeth stole the last ticket to the Rihanna concert you wanted to attend.”

Ava remained unamused.

“No?” Then, raising a hand to cover his mouth on one side, he whispered, “Justin Bieber?”

Ava beat back the urge to introduce him to her fist. “Are you here for a purpose or to practice your stand-up routine? I’ve got places to be, people to kill. A couple more cracks, and I’ll add you to the list.”

“Feisty.” An approving nod. “I like it.”

Chapter Two

And Remmus did like it.

The blonde she-wolf was sinfully seductive, and she’d nestled herself into his mind as a perplexing mystery. Nothing enticed him more, and the reactions she got out of him were stronger than what he’d felt in years.

“Can we leave before I accidentally on purpose strangle him?”

Remmus linked eyes with Riaz, waiting for his go ahead to teleport them. At the alpha wolf’s nod, the psychic energy that resided within him exploded outward, grasping the signature of the three immortals gathered around him and pulling.

Gravity became irrelevant.

Colors blurred and balance shifted momentarily until their feet solidified beneath them, well-hidden in the wild landscape just outside the St. Louis manufacturing hub. They had landed behind a smattering of sparse pine trees, a few sizable rocks, and a chain-link fence.

Beyond the fence was a facility that manufactured the means to kill most immortals: silver nitrate and liquid sunlight. The Citizens of the Light, the human terrorist organization behind this travesty, had been responsible for killing hundreds of immortals throughout their rise within the last decade.

This was the third time Remmus had scouted the location. Before the Citizens had taken over operations, it was a steel manufacturer. There hadn’t been any remodeling permits filed since the change of ownership. Between the intel provided by the werewolves’ surveillance and the blueprints he was able to find by snooping through archived records, they had a pretty good idea what the internal structure was.

Unfortunately, they’d also discovered that the technology within was a closed system, most likely sealed by the infamous Citizens hacker. If he attempted to breach it by force remotely, any hacker worth their salt would notice. To search their internal systems—without arousing suspicion—he’d have to be inside the walls with direct access to the tech. Given his ability, he couldn’t do that without a lookout.

Blondie would fulfil that role.

Cortana and Riaz, the second pair of their unit, would be on the prowl for a suitable place to plant an explosive. Additionally, while they were all inside, the werewolves would scent trail for the Raeth that’d aligned himself with the Citizens. It’d make him easier to track in the long run.

Nina and Zeke loathed the fact that this facility was only a few hours away from the heart of their territory. They were as eager as Remmus and the wolves were to wipe them out.

While eliminating the building was one part of their plan, it wasn’t their main goal. Tearing down the Citizens’ leadership from within was the priority. If they could rot the foundation, they could topple the empire.

As the others righted themselves following the teleport, Remmus explained, “Tzuriel, Zeke’s second, is our backup teleport if we encounter trouble inside, but I’m not expecting resistance. The two times I’ve scouted at night, the only minds in the building were cleaning crew.”

He jerked his chin toward the building. “Did you all memorize the schematics like good little immortals?”

“Of course,” Cortana and Ava replied in unison.

“Good, then we go now,” Remmus replied, nodding to Riaz. “Would hate to put this back on my to do list.”

“It was always at the top of ours. What took you so long?”

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