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When the panic cleared only seconds later and she could think clearly, her entire being gave pause. Aidan’s threat had been directly solely at her mate, and while her heart twisted at the thought of him in pain, fear hadn’t clouded her own mind.

The fear she had experienced hadn’t been her own; it was Remmus’. He had been drowning, and he hadn’t moved a muscle.

Remmus’ laugh contained none of the hollowness she’d expected to be there. “And ruin this masterpiece? No, wolf, I won’t give you a chance for that.”

Aidan clapped him on the back, threat forgotten. “Will you be telling Nina, or shall I?”

“Knowing her, she’ll already have sensed the bond,” Remmus shrugged. “I’ll speak to my sovereign when I see her next.”

Riaz butted his shoulder into Aidan’s. “Run with me, alpha. I need a good challenge.”

A wolfish grin and two seconds later, the alphas were off on four legs, with Gadriel taking chase though he had no hope of catching them. It left Ava alone with Remmus, and she sensed a hint of unease ghosting through their unfinalized bond.

She could read him like a book now: he was aware she’d felt his anxiety, and nervous about what her response would be. When he gave her a sidelong glance, she squeezed his hand and spoke first.

“Don’t think I didn’t notice that you never went after me in our little snowball fight.”

Relief softened his features. “Why would I cover you in snow? I much prefer you warm and happy.”

“Appreciated, but hardly fair.”

She brushed lingering snow off his shoulders, working down his right arm that’d taken the brunt of his pelting. Down to his hand, her fingers ran over his knuckles, then around his palm. A strange series of ridges caught her attention. Slowly, so as not to raise any suspicion, she flipped his hand over so it was palm side up.

She frowned when only smooth flesh met her gaze.

“Problem, Blondie?”

“I must be imaging things.” She shook her head and coiled her fingers around his once more. “Come on, I want some hot chocolate.”

“But first, snow angels.”

Remmus’ features turned impish. His hand disappeared from hers as he threw himself on the ground, wheeling arms and legs out to make his ridiculous snow angel. The massive male was as joyful as a kid at Christmas. Ava simply watched his antics with a goofy grin on her face.

“Come on, live a little!”

Wrapping her arms around her waist, she shook her head fervently. “No thanks. I’d rather stay toasty warm.”

“Okay, okay. Help me up?”

Automatically, she reached her hand out to pull him to his feet, belatedly realizing the thread of mischievousness that flickered through their newly formed bond. With a jerk, Remmus hauled her down on top of him, breaking her impact with his body.

“Look,” came his laughing voice, “a double snow angel.”

Though her wolf was delighted, Ava grabbed a fistful of snow and smashed it over his face. Too late she realized he was still sporting the results of Aidan’s impromptu death match earlier, and eeked out an apology.

“A little bit of snow won’t kill me.” Delicately, his fingers curled around her nape, his eyes intent on her lips. “Can I kiss you, Ava?”

“Don’t feel the need to ask now.”

She threaded a hand through his unbound shoulder-length hair and pulled his lips to hers.

Chapter Seventeen

After pulling a pan of baked spaghetti from the oven and grabbing two mugs of hot chocolate, Ava ushered Remmus to the stools that lined her kitchen counter. Long ago, when she’d designed her quarters, she’d opted for a larger kitchen by vetoing the formal dining area.

It was an easy question for her: why plan for guests when she could have a double oven? Besides, the great hall was always open for community purposes, and Ava seldom ate alone in her quarters like a recluse.

The only spot to eat in her quarters were the stools where her gorgeous mate was currently perched.

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