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Remmus offered her his most seductive smolder, his gaze hooded as he patted the seat beside him. What she didn’t know, would never know, was that he burned far more energy than most Raeths. It was a self-inflicted wound. Remmus was constantly fighting the urges of his past and the compulsions placed on his mind that would never break.

Ava’s nose scrunched as she regarded the open seat beside him.

“No thanks, I have no interest in knowing more about you, Raeth.” The sigh that escaped her said much the opposite. “But I do have an interest in figuring out more about our immortal friend who’s aligned with the Citizens.”

“Wouldn’t you know it, so do I. Are we picking up your alpha and his mate before heading back to St. Louis?”

Remmus stretched, leisurely climbing to his feet and intentionally closing the distance between them under the guise of standing.

“No. They’re staying behind to help administer a new shipment of vaccines. If we decide to blow it up down the line, we’ll come back for Cortana’s advice on explosives. It’s just us today.”

Her words were filled with distaste, as though the thought of being alone with him was utterly repulsive.

The vaccines were the werewolves’ answer to the threat that was the Citizens: it offered some measure of protection from rabidity if they were poisoned with silver-sunlight, through bullets, smoke bombs or HVAC infiltrations. Too many wolves had already been lost to the terrorist organization’s aim of eradicating all immortals from the face of the earth.

Remmus smiled. “Shall we, Blondie?”

Extending his hand, the Raeth watched as she frowned before sniping, “I thought you didn’t need physical contact to teleport unless I had to provide you with a teleport lock?”

“It helps,” Remmus chuckled, “especially now that I’ve already established a mental and physical shield around us.”

Nervous eyes speared through the space around them as if she could see the shields. Remmus didn’t mind another chance to study her features. Her ocean-blue eyes, crystalline as they reflected light, were even more astonishing now that he knew more of the resilient mind hiding behind them. Only one other person he’d known had ever come close to having eyes as breathtaking as Ava.

“Fine. But don’t get handsy with me. I’ll bite your fingers off.”

Her shrewd tone brought him back from his contemplation. His level of danger must have proved acceptable to the skittish wolf.

Electricity sparked up his arm at the direct contact with her soft skin, the whisper of citrus that was her scent. Inhaling deeply, he resisted the urge to sigh at her zesty aroma. The urge to put his nose on her neck and inhale was nearly overpowering, but he somehow resisted.

He teleported them to the frozen site only seconds later, and the resulting shudder had nothing to do with the cold. Both of them landed in a drift of snow up to their ankles, the chill of the late December air kissing their exposed skin.

Ava’s hand jerked out of his the second they solidified. Now that she’d seen what the staff of the Citizens facility were capable of, she immediately began surveying the area surrounding them.

“And you’re sure the other Raeth can’t sense us now?”

“Ye of little faith.”

Remmus’ concentration was on diligently scanning the facility while maintaining his psychic shielding. He took every precaution to ensure that neither of them would be discovered while they were there.

“No Raeth today, fortunately,” he said, “but even if he returned while we were on site, he wouldn’t be able to detect us through my shield. I’ve convinced the humans to ‘look away’.”

Suspicion swiftly darkened her gaze. “How did you do that?”

“Gentle telepathic suggestion,” he replied. “Now, if you don’t mind, let’s do what we came here for.”

The pair of immortals followed their original plan to the letter—this time without being shot at. Once they were within sight distance, Remmus teleported them to a nondescript wall near the A2 entrance. He continuously scanned the facility for any signs of Raeth activity. Only the cleaning crew was active within the building, and they were easily avoidable.

Based on the original blueprints, they quickly located the offices near the front of the building. The moment they stepped inside, Ava stiffened.

“I have his scent,” she whispered.


“The Citizens Raeth.” Her eyes flashed. “I’ll be able to track him now.”

“Assuming he doesn’t teleport,” Remmus answered, prowling in behind her.

Ava filled her lungs once more, then moved toward a shelving unit along one wall. She scoured each shelf before finally nabbing a stress ball from one. She pulled a resealable bag from her pocket and dropped it inside.

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