Page 92 of Midnight Stage

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“Okaaaay,” Lenny says before this can get any further. “Time for me to see myself out.”

Then as if on cue, Lenny, Rock, and Dylan see themselves out, leaving me wrapped tightly in Ezra’s arms. “I love you, Rae,” he tells me. “All you’d ever have to do is just say the word, and I burn down this whole enterprise just to be there with you.”

A stupid smile pulls at my lips, and I push up to my toes and kiss him. “I would never ask that of you,” I tell him. “Just getting to be the girl in your arms is more than enough for me.”

Ezra grins at me. “And to think you claim that I’m the cheesy one.”

I roll my eyes and shove him away, knowing he has to start making a move to the stadium soon. “Get your ass out of here and let me enjoy my night for a change,” I laugh. “You stupid rockstars are far too demanding for your own good.”

“Talk it up, baby. But when this rockstar is sliding into that sweet cunt tonight, I bet that smart mouth will have something different to say.”



The warm bath water soaks into my skin as I relax in the dimmed bathroom with a glass of champagne in my hand. The boys’ show is live on Ezra’s iPad as Madds oohs and ahhs over Dylan on FaceTime, watching the show along with me.

“You know,” Madds says as I tip my head back against the tub and close my eyes, relaxing in the soothing bubbles. “If you’re feeling up to it, you should look up some of Axel’s old tour videos. There are heaps of them on YouTube. After he died, people just started posting everything they had from when they saw them on tour. There are some really great ones of his solos and stuff like that. Plus, I know it’s not the same as getting to see him in the flesh, but it’s brand-new footage for you, so technically, it counts as new, right?”

“Really?” I ask, putting my champagne glass down on the edge of the tub. “I’ve never thought to look up that stuff before.”

Reaching for the iPad, I click out of the live stream and vow to come back to it later before hovering my fingers over the keyboard. “What should I search?” I ask, feeling a little overwhelmed, knowing just how much stuff could be plastered across the internet.

“Ummmmmm . . . OH! Start with his solo during ‘Hypothetically Yours’ from the show in Dublin from . . . uhhhh, I think it was maybe four years ago.”

“Really?” I mutter as I start madly typing things into the search bar. “That song came out a little over eight years ago, would they really have been performing that on the other tours? I mean, I know it’s on the current set list, but surely not for their other tours, right?”

Madds scoffs. “Clearly you don’t know Ezra as well as you think you do. Now, this could all be online gossip, but apparently, Ezra makes sure that it’s on the set list for every show they ever perform, even the one-off events like charity things and stuff like that.”

“No shit.”

“Yeah, apparently Axel said it in an interview somewhere. Actually, there’s an idea. You should look up all of his old interviews. They’re so funny, and sometimes he even talks about you. But the ones where they interview all four of the guys at the same time are the best. They’re so funny together.”

“Jesus Christ,” I laugh. “I hope you tone down this crazy Demon’s Curse fangirl stalker shit when you’re around Dylan.”

“Girl, I’m trying, like really fucking hard, but sometimes it just comes shooting out of my mouth like word vomit, and so far, he just laughs when it happens. Maybe he thinks it’s cute or something, but surely he’ll get sick of me at some point, right?”

“Honestly, I have no idea. This is all new for him. I’ve never seen him around a girl who he wants for more than a one-night stand. But clearly, whatever you’re putting down, he’s picking right up.”

I can practically hear the way her cheeks flame through the phone. “Really? You think? Because I don’t want to screw this up, and I want him to see me as so much more than just a crazy stalker fangirl.”

“Of course he does,” I tell her. “He sees you as the girl who accidentally recorded a sex tape.”

Madds groans. “At some point, I’m going to have to scrub that little snippet of information right out of your brain.”

“Not possible.”

Madds laughs. “You know, he was texting me earlier and said he wanted me to fly out for one of the shows, but it was like he was making up excuses as to why he wanted me there. He said it would be good for you to have a friend, but like, he knows damn well that every spare second you have is spent either working or with Ezra.”

“Just take it slow,” I tell her. “He’s not used to having someone who means something to him, so he’s just trying to work it out. He’s like a little stray puppy, and if you move too fast, you’ll scare him, and he’ll start running. You have to lure him in with treats.”

“You mean sex?”

“No,” I laugh as I finally manage to hit search and see a flood of Axel’s videos popping up. “I mean with kindness and patience, but like . . . It’s Dylan, so I suppose sex will also work.”

I scroll through the options before finding the one Madds was talking about. Axel’s face immediately fills the screen, a stupid grin resting on his lips as he glances at Ezra, the two of them feeding off each other’s energy.

“Is that it?” Madds asks.

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